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Well I talked to that Irish girl that I liked, I asked her if she would like to go to a movie, she said yes. Then I asked her if there was a movie that she would like to see, and she said she didn't know of any and that what ever I wanted to see is ok, well here is the problem with this, 1. I don't know that much about the movies that are in theaters now 2. I don't to make her feel like i'm in control, I just want her to chose a movie, something that she would like.


And what would be some better things to do, I don't really know much about her, other what her brother (my best friend) has told me, which is not that much.




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Indeed, you pick the movie. Show some control, don't run away from it.


And, let's be honest, if she's in to you, it doesn't matter what movie is on the screen.


May I suggest next time you ask someone on a date, you don't take her to the movies first, that doesn't talk that good. However, if 88 is your rear of birth, it still is a good idea since taking her for a cup of coffee might be weird ;-)

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From a girl's perspective, just pick the movie already. My boyfriend and I can spend hours on end saying, "What movie do you want to see?" "I don't know... you pick" "No, you pick the movie" "I don't care, I think you should pick it" and on and on... you get the point. In truth, it doesn't matter what movie you see, chances are that if you two are attracted to each other, you won't be paying much attention to the movie anyway.

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Why a romantic comedy? Any why would a coffee date be weird if he was born in 88? I was born in 88 and I would go on one. Sure I'd prefer to be doing something, and I'd prefer it not to be a movie, but if it is a first date between coffee and a movie coffee is probably the better choice. It is hard for two people, even if they are attracted to each other, to "not pay attention to the movie" if it is their first date since they don't know just how comfortable they are with each other. There are however lots of other things to do. I'd prolly pick a stroll, an amusement park, a festival, a common interest (sport or other not even necessarily physical...maybe you both like to collect magazines or certain cards). Coffee is a great chance to get to talk and not make it serious like dinner (except I'd order a frappachino sp? coffee makes me puke heh). Yeah ok so that's my advice, but reguardless you can still have fun at the movies...just concentrate more on conversation and getting to know each other than snuggling up...unless she is already that comfortable with you in which case...go you!

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Well here is an update.


We did go see a movie. She was quiet on the way there and after it was over. I saw it on Friday, and then on Saturday (today) I went over to her house cause her, her brother, and I was going to play this game that my best friend likes to play. So it was me, her (let's just call her amber, i don't like to use real names) , and my best friend (her brother), I was waiting for us to start and their mom calls me upstairs, then she said something, and after she said it my mood for the day just dropped, she said that I can't date Amber, because she can't date any of her sibblings friends.




well atleast there is another girl that I was thinking of asking out, hmm.... weird, she's my sister's friend.


well bye for now



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