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do thy like me more then a friend

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Here's a simple, never fail test...if she has ever in the time you've known her, looked at you and said, "You are such a great friend, I can tell you anything!" Then..guess what? You're a friend...period. No *beep* for you my friend.

The problem with you younger guys is that you have NO B ALLS!!! NONE!! You sit around "liking" a girl, but never DO anything about it!! Then, in your effort to "get to know her" you slowly slip out of the "boyfriend" catagory, into the "friend who is a boy" catagory. And, once you are in THAT catagory, there are going to be a lot of lonely nights spent with your Frederick's of Hollywood cataloge!!

Simply put, if you've known her for more than a month, and you've done anything with her....you never will. Period. Move on and don't do the same thing with the NEXT girl you "like."

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ok i have a comment and a question


first, say its someone at school, say this random girl, and you just start liking her for X reason, and never really took notice before. If i went up and just went like this (in progressive steps, in this order).


"oh hi ______";

"Hey _______, How're you doing" ;

"Oh hey there __________, hows it going, thats good, what've you been up to lately?"


" (......same as last one)......sounds like fun, excited about this weekend?"


if this way of questions won't work in a 'get to know you' situation will it? you still dont talk to her other than these brief connections in the halls.


what do you suggest, i cannot seem to get past this. now my comment lies where, can you exactly "make" a person like you with a certain way of speaking. what im trying to say is, because this is a "stranger" to you essentially - she doesn't have a preconcieved notion of whether or not she 'likes' you. I hope im clear here

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Simply put, if you've known her for more than a month, and you've done anything with her....you never will.
I dont think so. I known plenty of girls who just dont put out in a hurry. I guess you do RobzGr8. I like fredericks of Hollywood and om sure most of these guys on here do. Also i have had girls tell me your sucj a great friend before ... but ou know what great friends make great lovers.

Heres my advice Diz ask her if she wants to go hang out at the mall movies whatever because you have to be friends b4 you get down to the nitty gritty!!!!!!

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Funkajon, you missed my point entirely! I'm not saying don't get to know them...I'm saying don't spend an ETERNITY getting to know them!! Make small talk...but initially you only want them to know that you are a good guy who isn't a nerd, stalker, etc, etc. THEN, after a little bit of small talk, i.e. brief encounters or passing in the halls, YOU ASK HER OUT!!!

Once you've asked this girl out on a date, THEN you get to know her all you want because she already knows you are interested in her. And, it puts it into her head that 1.) you aren't "just a friend," but some guy who wants to be with her and 2.) if she doesn't want you as a boyfriend or whatever, she's gonna have to TELL YOU!!

The problem with a lot of young guys is that you think that women are this delicate creature who you must do everything in your power to treat like a little princesses. They tell you that you must "get to know them" and that "Great friends make great lovers"!!! No...I'm not saying go out and treat them like dirt or nothing....but I am saying BE A MAN.

For the guy who is having trouble talking to a girl, here YOU go...be yourself. The best "pick up line" in the WORLD is "Hi...how are you? What's your name...I'm so and so...etc....etc." But, remember...and I can't stress this enough...you HAVE to let them know you are interested in "dating" them...and the best way to do this to ASK THEM OUT. Don't send a friend...or write a "love note"...be a man and ASK THEM OUT. If you wait too long, you are dead in the water my friend...period. You don't want girls as FRIENDS. I have never been FRIENDS with any girl I've dated. We've been great...had great times and been really close...but I've never been her BEST FRIEND. Save that for the woman you marry...not some girl.

But yes...take em to a movie, dinner, DisneyLand whatever...but remember...you gotta talk to them first!! Be yourself Diz but don't try so hard that you come off desperate...girls hate that.

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