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Heres the plan what do you thinnk?

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Hey guys and girls,

Theres this girl that works at a store in a mall near my house. I'm 19 and I think shes 18 because she used to go to the same elementary school as me but she was one grade earlier than me. We never knew each other but to make a long story short I really used to be head over heels for this girl even then and I hadn't seen her in 6+ years until the other day. I went to buy a drink and she was workin behind the counter. I never said a thing to her at all because i'm just way to shy. Anyway the plan I have if I can work up the nerve to do it is to just go up to her and say how I recognize her from the school we used to go to and so forth and then either ask her if she would like to do something sometime or even just talk again. What do you guys think? Do you think it will look stupid that i remembered a girl from school that i didn't know and who didn't know me? What can I do about the work situation like if there are people behind me in line or if it's really busy? I don't know why I'm so shy.

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Hey joeyjoehoe,


Find a time when it is quieter and then go up to her and say it, bear in mind that she probably wont remember you so youll have to say something like


"Hey, are you ? Do you remember me , we used to go to the same school!" then find a way to continue the conversation but make it pretty short.


Then end with something like "How about we catch up sometime over coffee?" perhaps suggest that her breaktime would be a good chance.


Then you can hopefully move on from there!


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This site is great. I've got the same problem as joeyjoehoe. I've talked about it in my "Small Town Blues" post. Basically when I left school and went to college in another city, leaving my small town behind for a while, I am now in the situation where I want to get to know 'old faces' from school, but some of them won't remember me.


I'm just waiting for a good opportunity, but as soon as I spot someone from my old school and resolve to say hi to them next time I see them, I never see them for weeks and weeks afterwards, lol.

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