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How do you know?

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How do you know when you've found "the one"?


Im 20 years old and ive known my bf for over a year (i will admit we are currently on a break, but talk every day).

I have long felt like he was the one i want to spend my life with him....but everyone i mention this to tell me im nuts cause im too young and cant possibly know what love is ect.


In my heart i feel he is the one.......but is there such a thing as too young? How do you know for sure?

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hey. about the age barrier. its been said here a million times, age truly isnt what defines how one can feel. it really is the individual. because most people at a young age dont know what love is, or just cannot understand the responsiblities and feelings it entails is why this generalization is made. but at almost 20 i would not consider that a very young age to realize love. if you have been in a comitted relationship that has stood the test of time then that is something that obviously had touched you and you may have true love feelings. knowing if hes the one however is really never known. the "one" is the person who feels the same way about you and who will eventually marry you. so really you cannot know if hes THE ONE, but you can know that you love him very much and that he is very special, not just some guy.


it seems you're questioning it however because of the fact that you're on a break and are confused about whether or not you should really persue it any longer. you feel that you're wasting your time if you dont end up being with him forever. but the only thing you can do is let day by day go by and understand what you feel as well as the circumstances that surround your current situation. you need to evaluate all those factors to see if persuing this any longer is worth it. but the question of loving him isnt what you need to doubt, you do however need to make wise educated choices about what happens in your life.

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You just know....


I'm sorry that I can't explain a feeling such as love better than this, but this is the best I can do. I believe that Love is a unique emotion, so special and divine that it can't be felt in different 'degrees.' If love is so special, can you really love someone a little, or love them a lot? Maybe what you're really feeling is you like them a little, or you like them a lot. Do you see where I'm coming from? Just a little of my philosophy before I move on.


I know that you've already taken the time to think a lot about your relationship with this man, but maybe you should take it one step further. I don't have a lot of information, so maybe you could help me, help you, by filling in the spaces. I'm wondering, why are you on a break with him? Does love love really need a break? If you truly love each other, you should stay together and faithful to each other so that you can show your commitment to the relationship and the love behind it. Know what I mean? Just something for you to think about. I know you would never want to hear it from a complete stranger, but perhaps he's really not 'the one.' It may be because of this break that both of you realize that though you work so well together, you may just not be the match made in heaven for each other.


If all else fails, and you find yourself confused through this and it all, follow your heart wherever it takes you, and if it's to him, don't let him go. Good Luck!




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