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Overkissed! Help

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Dear friends,

My problem is i get the feeling i am some how overkissed..my girlfriend is a nice affectionate girl but she can't seem to stop kissing me, i am serious!! she would kiss me so oftenly that i don't even feel like kissing her, she over does it, simply!!

i just don't know, i've been with women before, and i just think with her it is just too much...please advice me, i am telling you, if i am just sitting, minding my own business, she can come and kiss me 10 time in a frame of 2 minutes...and she has this way of placing her face right in front of my face and just forces a kiss or two...i mean kissing it supposed to be the most beautiful form of communication between a couple, with her, i just feel like it laks sensibility and passion...

second prob, i even get the feeling she is a bit possesive, i mean i love holding my woman's hand in the street and i even love the way she hold my arm, but you know some times space is good, and she is alwaaaysss glued to my arm, i mean not even few second of freedom (freearm) is a privilage!!

has any one ever felt like they were overkissed? am i just overreacting "hardly"...can i talk to her boutall of this or what should i do...

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if youve' lost feeling in it maybe you need someone new? Unless you dont kiss her for a long time. You know the saying " You never really know what got until you lose it " Well you wont really miss it until you can't have it anymore " . Me and my girlfriend kiss a lot a lot....Like constantly like you say except probably more then what you were saying......the arm thing she loves holding you man she can't help that.....well you can talk to her aout it but make sure u tell her its not in a rude way i fyou get it...Because then she will feel like you dont want her to kiss you or you dont like it or something if you get what im saying...i hope that helps

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Personally, I think you should take it as a compliment. Of course, there is the simple fact that it bothers you. Since I don't know your girlfriend, I'm afraid to advise you. Some girls would want to be told that they're being too clingy, but others would be offended.


I'm sure you know your girlfriend better than anyone else here, so if I were you, I'd go with my instincts. If it's troublesome enough that you have to talk about it, then by all means, talk to her about it.


Your post kind of made me realize that I've become really clingy with my boyfriend too. I think it's just because us girls like to have someone there next to us, protecting us, and providing a shoulder for us to lay our heads on. I'm constantly putting my hand on my boyfriend's arm, holding his hand, etc., just because I need to feel close to him. Maybe that's how it is with your girlfriend.


As for the over-kissing, I have no idea. Besides taking the lead and making the kisses softer and more passionate, I'm not sure what to tell you.


I think talking it out with her may be the best route here. If that's what you decided to do, be polite and gentle. If at all possible, try not to make it sound like it's her fault (even it is is). Some girls might be offended and a little hurt. Of course, it goes the other way too. Some girls would really want to know if they're doing something that bothers you.


Oh dear, I don't think I'm any help at all. All I did was run in circles. I hope I was of some help (at least a little, maybe).

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Er, I must say that I am an overkisser...


When I overkiss my boyfriend, it's because I have to show him in some way how much I love him... I just feel so attracted to him, and he is SO cute sometimes........he is almost like a magnet to me...


The thing is, I just don't know how to stop! My boy has talked to me about it a number of times and it hasn't really worked...


What should I be doing to stop!!

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