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Talking to a girl when she's with her friends

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Hi everyone, I wanted to see if anyone could help me with this problem. I've been going to a few parties and I usually find myself in a situation where there's a girl who seems to be interested in me but she's usually with a couple of her girl friends. If she was alone I wouldn't have any problem talking to her, but I feel that the same approach wouldn't work if she is with her friends. If anyone could help with how to approach her and what to say I would really appreciate it!!

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man.... might as well get used to the friends... I still have not got used to my fiancee friends........it can be very tricky dealing with a girl and her friends.. the friends will remember eveything you say and do.....most college girls are very bad at wanting their friends to be as crappy as they are so if they don't have a guy they will be damned if their friend has one. Know what I mean.... I would try to get her alone... or hit on the friends first and work your way to her.

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  • 1 month later...

Ask her if she can step out for a moment. talk to her in private, if you like her then make it appear so. ask her out on a date. or catch her in the club/bar; buy her a drink, or better yet ask her has she ever had a Drink (thinking of the most exotic drink they serve) which in part, forms a conversation. then allowing you to directly talk to her without her friends being present. Grab her attention let her know that you DIG her. but dont be to forward about it........ i'm only 22 and go to clubs alot. seeing guys in general fail time and time agian while a conversation is started, the girl just seems NOT be interested in what hes talking about. its b/c he's 1.) not being himself, and she can see threw his Quote un Quote "GAME". or 2.) the topic they are in is a HEAVY one. i use that word cause it's topics like Terrorism, SARS, that are heavy. believe me ive heard guys talk to girls about this before, without one time during the talking process do they EVER ask that girl whats shes about, her interest, what she does in her spare time. etc.. they instead talk about how fast there car goes, or what they have done in there life Braging Boosting about anything to make them seem bigger then there really are. so with what i said. give that a try. blah blah....im sick of typing now!

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