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Foods with protein

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I just started seriously working out again, and I was wondering what foods have lots of protein in them so as to help me out. I know meats do, but if there is anything else please let me know. Also, is it true that more reps with low weight tones muscle, while low reps with high weight builds muscle?

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Protein is found in eggs, milk, soy, gelatin, beef jerky, fish (fish oil tablets are good too), cheese, and yogert.


When you are just starting to work out, you need to take it slow and steady, don't rush to the higher weights and end up hurting yourself.


Do both aerobic and anaerobic exercise for the highest level of fitness.


Make sure to eat complex carbos like wheat bread and dark leafy greans.

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The foods as said above . eggs have the best quality protein of any natural product.


Don't forget tuna and peanuts (peanut butter). Both high in protein, and the fats in peanuts are good for u (as long as u dont have too much).


Yes high reps low weight is good for toning. high weight low reps good for strength/bulking.

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Get in a min of 1 gram of protein for a pound of body weight and 2-3 grams of carbs for a pound of body weight.


Good Protein sources = fish, chicken breast, steak, eggs(remove yolks full of fat) Tuna


Carbs sources= Oats, rice, potatoes, pasta. Stay away from high sugar carbs, alot of these new cerals are high in sugar carbs. You don't want to much of that. The complex carbs I listed above have practically nil sugar in them. Good luck. Stick to 6-10 reps to gain "size".

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Well, okay. My body's not really tolerant with beans, but beans provide a good source of proteins as well. Adding to the list, eggs provide a good source of protein. That's good that you're health conscience. Instead of using the whole egg, if you often eat two eggs for breakfast, and don't want to elminate the egg yolk (I can't help it, it's probably the best part of the egg, at least it is for me it is), then use only egg whites for one, and the whole egg (including the yolk) for the other one.


There are also different products that you can also use to subsitute for protein, such as soy. Soy milk is pretty tasty too, if you find the 'right' one. I often buy mine, not at the general supermarket. There's also beans products prepared differently in different cultures. For instance, you can try hummus. It's made from garbonzo beans, and isn't as strong (for me it isn't) compared to your regular refried beans. There's also a desert in which the Japanese use called: red beans, which is often used in a red bean slush desert, where the beans are mashed and sometimes prepared with coconut milk. I know it might sound weird over the net, and you probably don't know exactly what I'm talking about. But once you try it, you'll see what I'm talking about. Very tasty. Just keep it in mind.


There are several of ways to enjoy eating healthy. Healthy foods don't have to be bland. It's the little spices that add a lot flavor to our meals. Play with different types of spices, and you'll enjoy healthy foods. It's not the fat content that counts. It's the flavors and aromas that attract our taste buds. Enjoy your healthy eating and exercise!

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