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How does she have the right/nerve to say that?


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A close friend of mine cheated on her ex boyfriend alot. He knew, and even put up with it. Now that they've broken up, the ex boyfriend (we'll call him chris) and I have become very close. We have not had sex but we were close. Now, Chris and I don't know where to go from here. The friend wants me to choose between him and her. How does she have the right/nerve to say "don't flirt with other girls, I still have feelings for you"? She was cheating on him!!


I just want to know what some people think. Personnally I think it's rediculous, but I want other input as well.

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Call me cynical, but I think your friend wants to have her cake and eat it too (and at the same time, doesn't want you to have any cake at all!). If she's important to you, you may want to have a talk with her and let her know how you feel. If she takes it well, good. If not, then she's being irrational and you're better off without her.


It's okay if you being with her ex bothers her, but she has no right to make you pick between the two of them (even though eventually you will have to) if things are really over between them.

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Excuse me? You say this is a friend of yours?

Ok, she cheated, he put up with it. That's their business. When they split why did you get close to him? They were together she must have had some sort of feelings for him no matter what her actions said. What were you doing with him? If she was your friend, you don't get close to her b/f. Friends are there with you even when and especially when you screw up. She screwed up....so why are you judging her and why are you messing around with the guy she liked?

Guys come and go, friends do not.

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