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Some question regarding missing pills - please help!

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I have been a pill user for years and years, and been very good at it. But, messed up a bit this month. And I know I am very stupid for it, but would appreciate advice anyway.


I am on Tri-Cyclen, so triphasic pills with increasing hormones every week for the three weeks. I am a Sunday starter too.


In my second week, I missed the last pill, and the first pill of the third week. I FORGOT TO MAKE UP FOR IT BY TAKING THEM LATER! I took all pills the rest of the week as normal. I had sex on the Saturday (first missed pill) as well as the Sunday (second missed pill) and then again later this week without backup.


My period would normally come next Tuesday, so I know it is too early to test yet or even know if I will miss it, but would like an idea of the chances.


What is the likelihood I could of got pregnant those first couple days (I would of taken pill normally at evening, so in effect missed from Friday to the Monday 60 hours without a pill). If I managed to NOT get pregnant then due to not ovulating in time, what are the chances I got pregnant a few days later after still taking pills but never having made up for those I missed by taking them 2, 2, and backup? I don't get PMS symptoms or anything so I have NO idea what the chances are or not, and it is still so early anyway to know either way.


I know that if you miss one pill and take it as soon as you remember, you are usually okay, but I missed TWO near the end of second week & start of third and did NOT make them up properly.


Thank you for any ideas. And yes, you MAY call me stupid!

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I have always heard though that if you don't take pills in around same time frame, you can release an egg - and if you are more than 12 hours late, your chances increase a lot more as the hormones in your system have fluctuated a lot (and hence why I guess they have the increasing hormone pills, to be stronger near the end to prevent ovulation). Since I was effectively 36 hours late in taking a "missed pill" and gave my body time to kick the ovaries into gear, I wonder, and since then my levels were messed up the pills afterwards may have done nothing at all! I missed making up the pills as well that give you extra dosage in case (acting as a morning after pill). Given that sperm can live a few days...I just wonder.

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Yes, there is a chance you can be pregnant. Not having a regular level of hormones can cause you to ovulate. Since you missed two pills in a row and had sex right at that same time I think your chances are pretty significant of getting pregnant.


It is definitely too early to take a pregnancy test and too late for the morning after pill. So you'll have to hope for the best this time and take a pregnancy test if you miss your period.


In the meantime, use another form of birth control this month. You cannot count on the pill given that the cycle is off.

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Yeah, that is what I am afraid of...I think I always had this vision that while you are taking the pill, your ovaries are just lying in wait hoping for an opportunity!


Thanks avman. I think even if I do get my period I will have to take a test since I know some people still have some bleeding anyway, and I am pretty light as is anyway. Just to know for sure.


Thanks for your input

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I had some slight discharge today - a little different than I usually would - mucousy, a light brown. I did some research on it, and it turns out that implantation bleeding is VERY often like that (mix of cervical mucous and blood from implantation), and often occurs 7-10 days after fertilization or something like that and around same time as usual period, so am a little concerned. I am a couple days ahead of my period and am very regular, but I did mess up my schedule so maybe it IS my period a little early..though the spotting seems to have stopped now.


I do feel sort of like I sometimes might before my period, so am hoping that it is coming! I might take a test anyway though in a few days even if it does come, just in case since I know sometimes women can have bleeding in first couple months.

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