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~Girls~Guys~ What Are You Looking For In a Guy/Girl Mostley?

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ask the same thing about girls.


You will get the same respond from both sides...


If you like a girl that makes you laught then, they probable like a girl that makes then laught. I won't mess with you...Attraction plays a huge rool in first impressions, so if your not attractive your not out of luck completely, if you have a good personality it could take you a long way, not just with girls.

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LOL! Ghost you're full of it! That's not true. Well, it's true if you think the way the whole of society does: generalization. But it's not true at all. What you have to understand is that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to physical attraction. What I think is physically attractive may be totally opposite of what another girl thinks. And besides, if what you're saying is true, then how is it that "fat" people, "ugly" people, "disabled" people, and every other kind of person there is can be seen roaming the earth with spouses and children? Hmm?


Personally, I am attracted to a man's personality. I appreciate wit and humor, and even a little sarcasm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. I will pursue a women that I find physically attractive. They may not be beautiful to others, but who cares. Generally, the women I find attractive have some quality that makes them stand out (ie their voice, the way they walk, their smile). That is the initial criteria. Then (the most important part) it becomes a matter of personality. Personality has to be the deciding factor in whether to further the relationship. If you click with someone and you find them to be a great person, they become beautiful in your eyes.

I have met a fair amount of women that initially I wasn't attracted to, but after getting to know them, they became much more appealing. I guess for me physical beauty is just the icing on the cake (as well as being very malleable and subjective). I may sound full of it, but with the girl I'm seeing now, I fell in love with her personality before I realized how gorgeous she is to the general population. I always get a big goofy grin on my face every time I see men tripping over eachother just to catch a glimpse of her

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Personality for me....physical attraction is very subjective (subjective is my word for the month...I keep using it ) what one person finds attractive, another might not. I generally go for the girl with the best personality, because let's face it, if they have the personality of a wet sponge, are you really going to want to be around them all the time????


On a physical level, I prefer the more "cute" girl over the sexy girl any day, it's just my personal preferance, but again, it's the personality that is the major factor for me.

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The only thing that I can add to what's been said, and I agree with other girls that personality, sense of humor, wit are so much important than looks.


I'm just going to give you an example, I met my recent ex last year. I met him kind of at the same time with this other guy who also asked me out...and since my ex told me that he was going to move to CO in 3 months (eventually he never did ) I decided whatever, I'm going to accept a date from that other guy too (who was MUCH more attractive than my ex)....So after just one or two dates, I just couldn't take it, that model looking guy was so not interesting to be around with - he had ZERO personality and I was just bored.....so I dropped him and started seeing my ex albeit the fact he was gonna move.....and to tell you the truth, after just a month or so, I was looking at my ex and thinking how attractive he was, even though initially I didn't think so....


Physical appearance is so subjective, of course you have to be healthy and all, but when you have an exuberant personality - you attract people more than if you were Mr/Ms Universe with no brains, no sense of humor, etc.

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How about integrity? Intelligence? A good friend of mine once said, "For every super hot chick you see, somewhere there is aguy who's sick of her crap." Pretty funny.


Someone who's firmly grounded in reality that keep her feet on the ground an her head in the clouds is cool with me. She has to be able to compromise and see both sides of the story.


Just some off the cuff remarks here...

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Well, of course intelligence and integrity, loyalty, all those things are crucial, no doubt...It's hard to be around a person who's not on the same intelligence level as you are, and I'm talking about lower...Of course when you are in a situation when you know less, at least you have to know something and willing to learn to show that you're not dumb.


I dated this very intelligent guy, and I felt like I had to learn so much to be able to talk to him on the same level, I was never threatened, I was rather encouraged to learn more, I started reading books he was referring to and just in general, something he mentioned I didn't know, I asked questions and researched these things on my own...He never thought I was an idiot, and neither did I feel like one, I just learnt so much - even thought we're not together as bf/gf, we are best friends now and I still learn a lot from him and we're the same age, 26. I really admire that about him, and I felt like a better person.


But at the same time, since I was not threatened by his intellingence, guys sometimes do when a girl knows more than them...Even if they like a girl so much, they will choose to break up with her, if she's more intelligent than them....how about trying to work on yourself, better yourself, be more well-rounded?.....I never push my education/knowledge/intelligence onto people, but my recent ex was somehow still threatened and chose playing X-Box and drinking kegs of beer instead...don't get me wrong, he was intelligent, and had knowledge but in his field...he just didn't want to expand it.

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For me, i don't really go on looks, maybe a teansy bit for first apearances, but i generally get to know people so i can see there personality.


I look for someone who intriges me, i always always have a thing for eyes, some people regardless of physical appearance can have absolutely gorgeous eyes, the windows of the soul, definitely a big factor for me.


I also go on humour, and just a generally brilliant personality, i have to have stuff in common with them, it's pointless having an amazing personality if you have absolutely nothing in common, you need something to talk about.

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