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It's been over a month of NC with my ex g/f. Except a couple of weeks ago, we emailed each other to make arrangements for her to pick up some of her things from my house (I made sure I wasn't there when she came over).


Anyway, she broke up with me and is now seeing someone else. I've actually seen them out a couple of times, but didn't say a word and just kept cool. I still care for her, and I know she is going through a "weird" time in her life. Her sister told me the other day that she is acting very strange lately. It's almost as if she is going through a mid-life crisis at the age of 28!


My question is, how can I let her know that I still care for her without being pushy? I know most of you will say to leave her alone, but i just want her to know that I have no hard feelings, and I am here for her if she needs me. I also want her to know that I would be willing to try to work things out with her someday if she wants to.


I think that she may feel like I would never take her back because she moved on so quick, etc, but I would. I know that's stupid, but I still WOULD.


i know that goes against all the "strategies" of NC, and it will make me seem weak, needy, etc. But I just want her to know how i feel. After I let her know how I feel, then I will be able to move on with my life whether she decides to come back or not.


I've read a lot of posts that say how one's ex is still in contact (email, phone, etc) but I'm not so lucky - I've had basically no contact.


Any suggestions?

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It's only been a month...I would wait a little longer. She probably knows that you would take her back (not sure how you guys broke up). Let her fly solo with this new guy for a while longer. The new realtionship is still in the 'honeymoon' phase, and you can't compete with that. I'm in a similar situation, and have similar thoughts, but figure 'hey, I'm giving her what she asked for, which was a break.'

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She's with someone else...pretty much jumped right from me to him. It's been about 2.5 months since the break-up, and about 7 weeks since NC (she's emailed me about 6 times, and I have always responded, but I have not initiated any contact since NC).


Seriously, use this time to better yourself. Workout, take up a new hobby, reconnect with some old friends, learn to live with yourself.


In my case, our relationship had been rocky towards the end, and I still think about her constantly, but I am out doing new things, and not staying at home. I figure, it would be better to run into her, or perhaps 'reconnect' after 3 or 4 months, as opposed to 7 or 8 weeks.

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