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a question for the ladies....

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hey girls... when you give a guy head or a hand job, or something, and you see his penis, do you judge them based on its size or if it was mishaped,etc. or do you just see it and not think anything of it? i have always been curious about that. please respond, i think its interesting to know what you girls think.

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Too many different sizes, shapes, lengths etc to judge them by some porno-flick-ideal which is usually super pumped up or fake altogether. hehe Sorry for the imagery. I hope I don't get censored....


I guess I just see it for what it is and refuse to think they should be a "certain" size or shape or whatever. It's like telling someone with brown hair they're supposed to be blonde- it's not something you can change so why bother worrying about it? If you love a person you accept them for who they are.

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naww, although i do think about it after, more the experience then the size of it. i mean im very inexperienced and my bfs penis is the first one ive seen, so its more curiosity that makes me a little more "thoughtful" of it lol if you know what i mean. but i think generally we really dont care, its true its just another part of you.


what about you guys? do you look at the shape and size of our breasts and make judgements or whatever? what are you thinking? comparing?

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i realize this was a post for girls but i would like to answer goddess' question.

i would have to say yes, most guys do judge a female based on their chest. i started out that way, then i realized that i would rather have a gf that has a great personality then any thing. now when i choose a gf looks only mak up 1-10 percent of my desion. i will admit thought that i do every now and then catch myself checking out a girls chest. i would just like to apologize on behalf of guys everywhere, especially those who are good and dont do that, for the disrespect that may be caused by this.

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You know Mermaid... I never thought about it... And I suppose it sounds kind of weird in a way... But you're right! With my boyfriend, I would have to say that I see that part of him as extremely exquisite. I mean, I look at his entire body and see it as gorgeous, and since that's part of his body... Yeah! I'd say God knows his craft! I wonder if that is specifically associated with love. I think any other girl who would see him would be very critical, because of his disability and the scars and such... But I just don't see those things! *shrug*


And Christopher, that was actually very sweet, and I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to post! Thank you!

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Men usually look at women, unfortunately many women put on tons of makeup. The woman I like doesn't wear makeup, and to me appears as a godess, with out a towering chest. Personality is what keeps a man around once he meets the beauty. Some of the plastic women are extremely dense! No offense meant to anyone.

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Yes breasts do matter there is no way around that really hehe. But I think you girls may be taking this the wrong way. Do not get self conscious, every man is different. Some are attracted to larger breasts, and many will talk about them, but honestly some are attracted to smaller breasts. There are many men out there who are looking for exactly YOUR size.


Past that, the guys that have posted above are right, personality is more important because you just can't deal with a someone who doesn't have a matching personality.



Ok on a different note for this thread (and this may have come up before because it is quite common but I will ask anyway since all you girls are responding...)


Even though you say you don't look at it...about what size is ideal to make YOU feel good? And is it true that if it is TOO big it can hurt you?

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I totally don't judge at all. My boyfriend curves a tiny bit, and I am in no way critical of it. No one is perfect, and I love him so much it doesn't matter. Plus, I know I'm not perfect and I wouldn't want him to judge me based on my boobs or something, you know what I mean? It totally doesn't matter to me. Although, too big really does hurt, hah. But as far as looks goes, I don't really judge.

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