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Does he like me?

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Hey I am so confused on if this guy like me! please here are some of the stuff he deos, please let me know if those are signs! thankz!


1. We are really good friends and talk together non stop on busrides and in class

2. I always catch him looking at me, and when i look at him, he looks away.

3. He is always opening all the doors for me.

4. he always offers me rides home.

5. he constanly shares stuff with me like food (ice cream ect.)

6. We always go out to lunch together alone.

7. On this most recent trip we hung out together alone, and we were holding hands, but we went for alot of long walks and stuff and just talked.

8. When I checked into my hotel room, i kinda had the door open a little bit, the dead bolt kinda kept it open, and i was unpacking and then he just like opened the door and came in like he was looking for me, but it was kinda weird cuase went through everyone's room lookin for me.

9. me and him went into his room and just kinda chilled (but going back to the whole hanging out hingy)

10. as we were walking he offered me his sweatshirt, because he said i looked cold, but i told him i was fine.

11. During this concert thing we went to, we kinda got separated, but at intermission i wasnt feeling well at all, and i was kinda laying my head down and resting, and he came over and was checking on me to see how i was doing. ( i didnt even know he knew where i was sitting, but then i found out he was a few rows higher then us on the opposite site of the stage.) but then he was like are you going to be alright, and i was like i think. so he was like well im gunna go and sick back down, but then no later than like one second and he asked if i just wanted to go for a walk alone with him outside. And then he offered me his sweatshirt again, and i was kinda freezing cold so i was like okay, and thanked him. Then we got bored so instead of watching the rest of the concert we went back on the bus and talked summore and then we kinda were laying down on the bus cause we were tired.

12. Before i went to bed, he came into my room again, and we played a card game, and then he put the blanket around me and told me goodnight.

13. In the morning, i was going to my brother's room, which is right accross from his room, and i guess he heard my voice, and opened his door and was called my name lol and he was like you can come in here with me til im done with my hair. Then we just hung out summore during the rest of the day.

14. WE got back from the trip and he offered me a ride home, and when we were in his car he turned on some slow music (nelly and kelly's delimma song) and like fast forwarded it to the lovey dovey parts

15. then we got to my house, and he told me goodbye, then as most guys do he sped away showing off his car which he does alot lol


but im sorry that this is so long its just im really confused, cause he and i act like we are going out, yet he hasnt asked me. And when i was in my prom/concert black dress for jazz band, he said i looked beautiful, but he was kinda a bit shy to me, and didnt talk much. (he seems to do that when ever im dressed nice.)


So yeah if you could tell me what is goin on inside his head, and give me some tips that might make him aske me out, i would be very appreciated. becuase i only have a little while til he graduates (may 22nd after our concert) and i really wanna hang out with him over the summer! SO PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!! I NEED TO KNOW IF HE LIKES Me AND WHAT I SHOULD DO!!!)

p.s-we have talked so much that i literally know everything about him, which kinda helps if we date)

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It sure sounds like you guys are close. Why else would a guy want to hold your hand and take a long wak w/ you? he obviously cares about you. i agree w/ Prius that he probably IS nervous about asking you out.. you should talk to him about it, and maybe ask HIM out. Good luck!

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Thank you guys, yeah i think he is really shy about asking me out and stuff, because yesterday, he came close to doing the good old "yawn and put ur arm around the girl" trick. He was soo close too, but then he just kinda put his arms back. But yeah, he never usta like i guess playfully touch me. (such as Playfully punching me on the shoulder, or tapping my arm. and he just started to act a little closer to me yesterday and friday on our trip.)But yeah i have made him brownies for his bday (how obvious can i be to him! im tryin to get the point accross that i like him to him, lol but he is just bein so tricky and shy! lol) but when we were in the auditorium he would like scoot closer to me and stuff. But he has kinda made reference that he may like me, beucase like he will tell me stuff, and i will be like oh dont worry i wont tell anyone, and he is always like oh well im not worried about you, i can trust you with anything., becuase ur such a sweet person. and just stuff like that! well thanks and just keep on postin more tips/ Replys for me!

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I'm a guy, and here's what I think.


It sounds as though he likes you, but nothing is guaranteed.


You have three choices (in no particular order of importance).


1. Don't do anything and wait to see if he makes a REAL move -like confessing his feelings, asking you out, etc. If he doesn't, then you might always wonder about him, possibly forever .


2. You be the one to confess YOUR feelings, and see whether or not he is interested. A direct approach, if you will. (some guys like it, some guys don't)


3. Find out by asking questions. (eg. -What type of girl attracts you? Would you rather be single and dating or be with one special someone? Is there anyone you think about often or see yourself with? etc., etc.) This could also give YOU the oppurtunity to confess (eg. -There is someone special to me...it's you; I have someone I think about often.... I think about you (his name); etc., etc.)


Hope this helps...


I miss those days....

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  • 1 month later...

OK, I'm a man heres what i think:


Yes he's interested but he's nervous - he's nervous that if he makes his move on you that you may reject him (most women don't realise this, but rejection can really damage a man's confidence).


Of course there is also the shy thing on both sides. While you maybe shy about him, he's probably shy about you and then he has the added pressure of being the one who is supposed to make the move because "He's the man".


Ok, no doubt your after a quick fix for this yes?


Well first let me tell you that I'm hopelesly shy with women so I can understand where your "Mr Right" is coming from.


He likes you but: 1) doesn't want rejection 2) doesn't want to jeopardise things.


Well seeing as you are the female and your probably just as shy about asking him out/expressing your feelings I can only suggest 2 fairly effective and obvious things;


1) Make the eye contact - Sometimes with the smile sometimes without. When I say without, don't use the serious "I'm in a mood" face as this can give us fella's the wrong idea (see number 2). Just use the face that expresses nothing - I suppose you could say your curious face - Probe his eyes for a response. He might feel a little intimidated to start with but eventually it will sink in whats going on and his instincts will kick into action. Remember to hold the eye contact either until he smiles, winks or makes another gesture OR until he has to look away because he finds it intensive. Before too long I would say he'll be eating out of your hand.


2) Be as easy going and friendly as possible - never show him a straight face. No matter what mood you may be in always be glad to see him and have his company. Infact without meaning to sound bad, "Be easy". If he thinks your the easiest person to talk to express feelings etc the chances are it will just flow out at some point.


This is generally what I look for in women I know some fella's look for different things but I would say the 2 points above are the general rule.

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