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Goodbye BUT not forgotten!


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A poem to you all for you all:


Have you ever had a person

a person like you and me

you know that simple person -

that neither of you could see

someone who belonged

you never stringed along

i mean this person was a pinicle of the happiest song

i learnt through my experiances

of all that i gained

that the person you first see

is never the frame!

look into the heart

deep in to the eyes

let me assure you,

there is a disguise

my dreams never used to allow me

to follow what i first saw

but my heart and its intensions

have now opened the door

for all that i have lost

but more so gained

a place in my heart you shall all remain!




There really is meaning behind ''dont judge a book by its cover'' as sad as it is to say i first learnt because i started off as the book!


thankyou all, bye

black magic

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Thank you for your responce i really appreciate it, well more so i needed to hear it, i glad you saw a message in what i writ and hopefully you can relate in the sense that you understand, being the book may be hard but i believe in myself that it has made me gain some of the most rewarding and most understandable moments!


thanks again


black magic

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