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Do Virgins..

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It really depends on the girl. My first time was so painful that I couldn't breathe, so pleasure wasn't on my mind at all! But some girls either keep going through the pain and eventually it becomes pleasurable, or some girls feel no pain and it's all pleasurable. It really just depends on the girl.

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Many girls can't orgasm just through sex. Its easier to get an orgasm when being fingered or through oral sex.


I think it gets easier for a girl to orgasm just through sex after they are more experienced with it. But many girls may never have an orgasm while just having sex, although it still feels really good.

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Most women cannot orgasm through penetration. Simply because the inside of the vagina has hardly any nerve endings. The clit, and g-spot are the two main parts of the vagina that have TONS of nerve endings- thats why when those areas are given attention, a woman will most likely have an orgasm. Certain positions allow the clit or g=spot to be stimulated, and thru this a women may have an orgasm.

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The second time I had sex (about 15 minutes after the first time lol) I ALMOST had an orgasm, I think... lol. It really really really hurt, but then I 'worked through the pain' as PAdreamer said, and it got really good. Unfortunately it got a bit too good for my boyfriend and he came, so that was it... but it was still wonderful.

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What sometimes should happen that doesn't happen is the girls are the ones that don't usually orgasm from penetration however, if they have the slightest chance it's in their best interest to find what works for them.


Ask ur girl to take charge of ur sexual activities such that she gets on top and takes control of all the movement and or finds a position that maybe does work but keep in mind she needs to be the one that is in control of how ur pecker penetrates.


Other then that oral is the best!!

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  • 3 months later...

i deff. agree that its diff.. wit diff.. girls but my 1s time WOW i was in alot of pain but it was mostly because i generally got fingered maybe twice in my life before having sex andi had sex mayb 3 years after getting fingered and nothing to help plus my b'f the person whom i lost my virginity to was 9 inches it SUCKED but DEFFINETLY GOT BETTER!!

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my b'f the person whom i lost my virginity to was 9 inches


you can't be serious



You know, if you concentrate really, really hard, you can turn the pain into pleasure. I do this when I am going to the dentist or I'm outside and its really, really cold. I don't really know how I do it, but I just try to imagine that it feels good and I even think to myslef sometimes "Come on, give me more!" Anyway it helps me get through unavoidable pain and I guess its worth a try if you are having pain during sex.


Also, you need to relax, especially the PC muscle, I think thats what its called. its the muscle between your vagina and your bum.

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