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married friend in love with another man...help!

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I'm confused and wondering if anyone can help shed some light on a situation, I have never been a part of. My best friend (she) has been married for almost 3 years. She has told her husband, that she is in love with his best friend, with whom she also works with. She has know the best friend for about the same time period as the husband (7 years) What the husband does not know is that her and the best friend have slept together but have sinced stopped, for her to figure out what it is she really wants. She has told the best friend that she is going to see if she can try and save her marriage and to give her time, but also in the same breathe, tells him to wait for her....and yes, they (her and the hubby's best friend) do talk and see each other everyday still and tell each other how much they love one another...which confuses me. I mean how can one truly try to save a marriage when she is in love with someone else and continues to tell him that? anyway....I'm just at a lost. Do you think she is actually going to leave her hubby? Does she truly need this time to figure it out? I've never been thru this before, so I have no clue....but I think her hubby and the best friend are both very much in love with her, and someone is going to get really hurt including her. Also, the man she's having the affair with (hubby's best friend) is also one of my closest friends, and I know he looks to me for help and support, and I just don't know what to do other than listen and be there for him! Please can anyone give my any feedback on a similar situation? Thank you....

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Congratulations you are the Peanut butter AND the Jelly between two well burnt Pieces of bread.. (thats meant to be funny)


Sucks for you, I can only Imagine..


Hmmm where to start, Well lets start with a question.


What do you think is best?


I think your options are:


Option #1: "Stay out of it"

Option #2: "Tell someone something" (could back~fire both ways!)


Anyone else with anything else to add? I'm not sure how to give advice on this one. (I must say it's very sticky situation you have here)


Isn't this just *Coughs* JIFFY

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yeah the best idea is probably to stay out of it as much as you can and maybe tell your friend how you feel about it, but don't say anything to anyone as it is truly her problem to solve, but maybe you might want to say you opinion on the whole matter if you haven't told her before, or if she asks you.


Otherwise yes, give your listening support, but I wouldn't get involved or say anything to any of the other parties about it.

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