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how should i act?


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hello again.


since i have been away from my girlfriend for 3 days, I ended up in the hospital cuz of my eyes, i'm going to have a surgery tomorrow.


the thing is, that I tried to tell my GF to come and see me but she isn't even interested in seeing me, she has these weird explanations not to show up or even call me.


The first thing that started this whole not seeing thing was that she couldn't come to town via bus or car, she has some issues with her mother and etc. but that's what i have heard like past 2 weeks, that she want's to be at home and do her own stuff, what I'm not sure wether it's true or not.


we set up a time we should have met yesterday, she didn't show up and just went home...


I also texted her mom but i never got an answer.


also, like a week ago, she asked me if she could move in with me, I said sure why not, the next day she called and said that she can't and whatever else.


Also, Whenever she goes to sleep she always calls me, lately she hasn't event told me 3 simple words: " I LOVE YOU!"


I mean, I'm just confused what is happening in her mind.


I'm so commited into this relationship and I have spent so much time and put so much effort into this relationship so I'm feeling like being used.



Oh and also I told her, Hey i'm gonna come to your place after the surgery is done, she refused and she always says: " I'll think about it!"



IDK, what should I think, I refuse the fact that she is cheating or something, or it might be that she isn't happy with me or she is just tierd of me.


what should I do, she isn't even returning my calls.


Should I go to her place and talk to her, because this situation is just akward and just, I'm feeling like she is just tierd of me.




any suggestions or thoughts would be really helpful.

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