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Drinking away your sorrows...

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I don`t have a disposal for alcohol addiction...It regulates itself for me when I have had enough. So I must say, that the ability to go out and get drunk with friends in certain periods has been a huge relief to me. When I was in my early 20s I was going through a nasty breakup and I was pretty much out 5 days a week for 3 months. It gave me relief in the moment. The way I see it I would not find any relief if I just sat home and listened to sad music, so if I could get 6-8 hours of fun and get my thoughts off her I´d rather take that instead of nothing. But, you have to be aware that one day you have to take serious steps to move on, and that does not include alcohol...


Yea pretty much what I think he is thinking as well. He is also 'hanging out' with a lot of random girls. I realize I am healing in a healthier manner, but it still makes me sick to my stomach thinking about whats going on. I can't help but think it's not fair. We haven't had much contact but we did email this week and he is basically trying to forget about me to prepare himself for when I meet someone new bc he says that thought makes him feel like dying. He says he sees the way guys look at me at bars and knows I could find someone new easily. Too bad I don't even want to and have no interest! Everyone I talk to I either say I have a boyfriend or the truth that I just got out of a really long rela and don't wait to date or anything along those lines. Seems I am doing the exact opposite as him...

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