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How long has she been gone? The distance may have made her 'forget' how much you mean to her. Distance doesnt always make the heart grow fonder.


She also might have found someone new.


Perhaps her travels have given hera new perspective, and she wants to enjoy the single life. See how things pan out. Let her know that you want her back, but dont pester her, she'll only resent it.

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The best thing you can do is to give her space and let her settle down if she wants to end her relationship with you then she must be have her reasons ...dont ask her too many questions and certainly dont act like you are dying just compose your self and wait she will come around in time and will tell you why she broke up with .....sorry dear but such is life .........

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Thanks you guys have been a great help. it just struck me so hard she just gets back from a two month trip and and the first words she says to me is please dont hate me but. she said she has been thinking it over well she is gone and that she just wants to be alone.

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