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Girl problems

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I need help. I like this girl. Im kinda shy though. Im not sure if she likes me. Sometimes while I am walking to class I see her accross the hallway. She looks at me and sometimes laughs or smiles. But when I walk by her, she looks the other way or looks down at the ground. Also, sometimes I see her walking with her friends and she would sometimes turn around and look to see if I am looking at her. Also, sometimes when she is with her friends and I glance at her they all start laughing. I get confused. Does she like me but she is too shy to tell me? Or does she smile and laugh because she doesn't like me and she thinks its funny that I like her because she thinks Im some loser. Please help me!

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hey man... it seems to me that she doesnt think you are a loser, especially if she turns around to see if you are looking at her in the halls. She might think you're cute! If that's true, then chances are that's what she's joking around about with her friends. I know what you mean about being shy. One thing that you can try to do, though, is try to lock eyes with her for a little longer than usual. Sometimes i find that easier than anything else, when i'm shy. Now, if you get to lock eyes, make sure you look deep, and SMILE!!!! its THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!! i have gotten more random girls by doing that than i ever thought possible. That's the first step... If you can do that, then great. Try it out.

peace dude, good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey boy whatsup?.

Here, you can take it from a girl, You don't have to worry about this girl that you like! If you see her and her girls laughing and giggling! She's prolly whispering to them "look how cute he is"! So don't sweat it! She prolly does like you! Ignore her friends and don't worry about them because if you do their going to run back and tell her that you like them too! And, there go's the girl you really liked! But I will let you go and you can email me anytime you wanna talk! aight!



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  • 1 month later...

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