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what do u do when u really want someone else?


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i have been with my bf for three years and i love him but i met a new guy, one of my bf's friends! hes the coolest guy i have ever met we have this bond im sooo attracted to him more to im then anyone else i have ever met. i want him miss him and wonder what woild happen if we were together. our feelings are so strong for each other, and its very mutual he has a gf of 6 yrs i dont know if its beacasue i cant have him that i want him sooo bad or that maybe we really are meant to be together. i really like him and he really likes me i want to see him all the time, he feels the same way. we dont know what to do we love our significant others but we wonder if maybe were suppose to be together? please someone i need advice!

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I think you should take a hard look at your relationship and decide if you want to remain with your boyfriend or not. Try to figure out why you are feeling this way. It's never a good idea to act on impulse. Really sit down and think this through.


With this other guy being your boyfriends friend this has the potential of becoming a really sticky situation. Trying to sneak around would only work for so long. It's just best to make a decision.


If you and his friend want to be together in any type of way then you should let your boyfriend go. Trying to "have your cake and eat it too" causes too much pain.

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i am with my bf for three years too , but recently i find myself love someone else , he is my net friend... so now i don't know what to do .

sometimes i do want to break up with my bf. but after thinking it carefully , i will ask myself , don't i love him anymore ? or i just want something new ? something that will arose my passion ?after all we are together for so long, so maybe our love will fade a little because of time ...but does it mean i don't love him ? but honestly , sometimes when u are with a guy for a long time , u do find u don't love him as much as before , u will lose ur passion , so maybe it will give u the illusion that u don't love him...so when u face someone that attract u , although a little , may be u can't control urself .... someone in here gave me an advice that , she asked me don't see my bf or don't chat with my net friend, to see who i care more .... maybe u can try ......but i didn't try that yet ...

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I urge you to really think this through before you make any decisions. I cheated on my bf of 2 1/2 yrs. and it is causing a world of hurt for both of us right now. I think that you should stop all contact with the new guy until you make up your mind. Are you willing to give up someone you love so much to just see what may develop with the new guy. Something has kept you with your current bf for three years, you should try to remember all of the good times and think about what would happen if you break up with your bf for this new guy and it turns bad.

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