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do you mind your current gf has had sex before

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I guess it'd depend on who you were asking.. for example if you're asking a younger guy who's still a virgin.. well then maybe.


If you're in your in your early 20's you still might find people who care, but I think once you past 25 it'll be a rare case that you'll find somebody who will care.


I know a lot of people who don't like to have sex with virgins since it's a little difficult sometimes and prefer if their g/fs had already had sex.

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No, I don´t mind if she isn´t a virgin. Experience makes you wise...apart from that...at least in western cultures the older your partner is, the less likely it is that he or she is still a virgin. Seeing as I am 26 (and no, not a virgin) I would not expect any girl of my age to be one...quite frankly I would be a bit puzzled if she was...

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these days, its fairly normal for people to have started to be sexually active by the time they are around 15-16, so it would not bother me one bit that someone has had sex in a previous relationship. in fact, i would prefer it that my gf isn't a virgin, because then you might have to deal with her being insecure about sex and the pain of having sex for the first time too for most girls. but always be cautious about sexually transmitted diseases, is the only thing id suggest

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There's something alluring about being her first, but I honestly don't choose perspective gfs based on their virginity.


In a club...


"Hi. Are you a virgin?"


*ho alert activated*



"Hi. Are you a virgin?"


"None of your business."



"Hi. Are you a virgin?"


"I'm a lady, of course I am."

"Wanna go out sometime?"



"Hi. Are you a virgin?"


"Wanna go out sometime?"


Yea, don't think that scenario works out too well...

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I would prefer them to be virgin, so they wouldn't compare me with their ex's. Girls who had sex experiences tend to compare. Although they say "they wouldn't mind just depends how he uses it", but deep down their heart they are actually comparing a lot of things like the size, length, width, shape, uncut or cut, hard rock or just hard, curved or strait, ribbed skin or smooth skin, the stamina, duration, performance, creativity, how many times they orgasm and so on. Of course they wouldn't tell you those as not to offend you guys.


Nowadays, girls are so liberate that they would look for other guys if they are not satisfied (even behind your back). So watch out guys and take care your girls.


However, if the girl i love happened to be a non virgin, I wouldn't reject her just because she is not a virgin. I would accept her as long as she stays away from her ex's. I don't want her ex's to come back to her life and blackmailing us. Something like demanding for money or sex just because he has a video of her had sex with him. Or revealing her past sex life to all our friends and family on how great she was on bed. That would be a total embarrassing. Something like what happened to Britney Spears.

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Just because someone had sex before being with you doesn´t mean they are gonna run back to their exes... I mean, I had girls before, and I don´t think of them at all when I am with someone new.

Same goes for the comparing... You just don´t go along and say "well, he did this and that so much better...", do you? And even if they do compare you...what does it matter, they are with you and they quite possibly have a reason for that. I fthey love you and you love them, who cares about who was there before?! Apart from that: If guys can have sex, so can girls...


@ Roffler: I actually laughed half my bum off while reading your post...who can I sue? lol

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ok, i'll admit, i've done what sturge has said. people here have read my complaints about my current sex life. why i've done this is cause there is a ocean between my past sex life to my current one.

ok, past sex life: 3 times a day, oral, hand stuff, foreplay last an hour, makes me orgasim 9 out of 10 times.

current sex life: 1 time a month, some hand stuff, foreplay lasts 5 minutes, i don't orgasim.


this is a complarsion, but i know it's a problem. my sex life isn't healthy for a 22 yr old male. i think that's why people do make some complarsions on this forum to get advice and help.


i, however don't discuss this with any of my friends as it's private and they know me personally were its a bit more "anonomous here. you guys don't know me in person. i like the fact that i can talk about my probs with others on the net as you can't make a one eyed judgement. see, if you were a close friend, of course you would go with whatever i've said cause friends do that, were i know i'll get a "honest, open opinion" cause you don't know me personally.

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