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Hello everyone,I need help i gues you could say im confused.


I was out with a frind the other day(girl).We went shopping and stuff.Anyway i was staying the night at her house,and she kissed me.Now we have been friends for forever and i have never looked at her in this way,but when she kissed me i didnt pull away or anything.Thoug it felt weird.


So i am just wondering if i am still straight.I mean i know it was just one kiss but,i dont know i am very confused.Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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well that reminds me of when i first found out i was bi. (me and my friend james in the showers at school long story) anyway your still straight it was just one innocent kiss if you get more intense like if you guys are making out with each other then you might be leaning towards being bi-sexual. and once really doesnt mean anything. so to answer your question yes you are still straight

-Stitches aka The Antihero

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i honestly believe that EVERY girl/woman fantasizes about being with another girl/woman. we connect in every way, and its just one of those typical fantasies. i would say you're still straight it is just a kiss, wanting to explore it is not wrong, its very natural. not to say that its not possible to be bi or les, but at the moment i wouldnt worry too much about it. unless the urge to be with other girls all the time starts to occur, then it might be an issue to think about seriously but right now, you were just curious. not pulling away is fine, its nothing to stress about. i have fantasies about being with other girls, but its just a fantasy, not something that i really think about or feel i NEED to do. but i would like to explore or experiment one day with it. but hey hopefully im with my bf forever and wont even have to. but ya, i would like to hear if other girls feel the same way, that it is a fantasy that most of you have. experimenting is not a sign that you are les/gay/bi, but if it becomes something you always want to do, or feel starts to overwhelm your thoughts then its something to think about.


but now this gf of yours is close, and if you dont want to get into something serious with her then you should talk to her, but if you feel that experimenting a little more (since it was JUST A KISS lol) is something you would like to do then you guys should talk about it. see how she feels, if she really is bi or whatever and wants a relationship with a girl.

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Well it seems to make you feel uncomfortable, so the best thing to do is to talk to her. tell her that you were surprised and didnt know how to react when it happened, and that you werent all "ew" about it because shes your friend and it wasnt a bad thing, but that you really dont want to hurt the friendship in any way. that you still respect her, and your fine with her sexuality just not in the same boat, and dont want to persue anything.

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I agree with other posters. Many women, especially teenaged girls, expereiment with sexuality and often are attracted to other girls. This does not mean you are bi or gay. But it is important to know how you felt about the kiss. If you think she is attracted to you and that's why she initiated the kiss, treat it the same way you would a male friend that did the same thing. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, let her know gently without hurting her feelings. But if it was something you enjoyed and felt comfortable with, there is nothing wrong with that either. You still have time to explore your sexuality and grow. You don't have to figure out what you are, just be who you are. You know what I mean?

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hey its me just here to say its nothing just one thing but maybe if you just wandering go or it like i said theres nothing wrong with it . u huh i new you had a darker side to be exspoled. lol hey just do what you feel is rigth then every thing will be allrigth

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well your only bi or gay if you liked it. Since you thought you it was weird your stright. Kissing another girl does not make you bi or gay unless you wanted to go farther and this is coming from a %100 lesbian. Try and straighten out your friendship and if she is kool with your straightness and won't try anythin again you can start to relax. If not there you can always frind new friends. If doesn't really matter how long you two were friends she shouldn't have done it without asking you first. Hope this helps. 8)

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