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well I my ex of two years and broken off with for 6 months which we were trying to get back together as found another bloke! she didn't actually say it, but she didn't deny it.Things were going well until one day she said she needs time and space, found out she went on a date. she told me that she still didn't know what she wanted and yet she didn't want to lose me entirely. we were chatting with eachother on msn monday, I realized things have taken for a turn for the worse. she said she didn't want to string me along, I told her i'm not going to be strung along, I can't live like this and if there is someone else in the fold that i have to move on do the same and find someone for myself. she it was sad to say goodbye. I finished it with" I don't think we should message or chat online any longer so i can get this ordeal out of my mind". she said ok and we both said our goodbyes. Maybe it was not meant to be and i'll have to live with that and maybe she just wasn't the one. It's sad to know that I will never see or talk to her again, but if she ever did call and says she would like to get back together i don't think i can ever go back, I don't think i'll be able to ever trust her again and what if i did go back when someone else comes along she'll do this to me again, I felt I was led on and taken for a fool, i will not be her security blanket. As far as i am concerned it's her loss. For people out there wanting there ex back GOODLUCK! please be careful because the second time will be even harder, issues from the past will always come up ,you have to ask yourself is it worth it. Today I am an emotional wreck and my pride was hurt. But i would rather be alone and happy than to be with her and miserable.

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