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cyber safety?

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hey everyone just wondering for all u people out there who have 'online r'ships' and stuff how safe is it to meet people u chat wid online? what r the possibilities of them being well genuine as well as safe to be around i mean i don't have to say what i mean i'm sure we all watch the news and read the newspapers what ur views on this matter?

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I'm fine with it, but I'm a guy, I guess it would depend how much you trusted the other person. Also if they seem to be pushing the issue of meeting, rather than accepting you want to wait, would suggest that their intentions aren't all honest.


I've made quite a few friends online, that I have met in real life.

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Always make sure that you are comfortable with the meeting place, make sure it is some where familiar or ther are lots of people around. Don't forget to either take a close friend or let a somebody close to you know the location, time, etc. And if your not sure then call it off. If the person likes you they will understand.



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Your right there are a lot of creeps out there. And you can't ever be 100% sure that the person your in touch with is whom they really say they are. But it's just the same as meeting a person in a bar in some respects. Yes, you do meet them face to face, but you don't really know who they are and that they aren't going to try and rape you, you don't know that they are violent either. It doesn't matter how you meet people some are good some are bad. And we always have to be careful when meeting potential partners whether it be online or face to face.



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Meeting people online would not be worth the risk for me. Even if you meet in public there can be dangers if you happen to be communicating with the wrong person.


You could feel that they are trustworthy and exchange pictures. Then later arrange to meet in a public setting. How do you know that's really a picture of who you are talking to? He knows what you look like, you are at the meeting place looking for a fictional person. He stands you up.....or so you think. You then leave and go home....guess who could follow you home.


I think it could be just that easy. Or am I just paranoid?


And I know not everybody out there is a weirdo, but it only takes one.

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I think that the best way to know who it is you are really communicating with is to ask them to have a webcam when they talk to you on msn or whatever so then as they type you can actually see who you are talking to. You can also see thier facial expressions and things like taht--Thats important. If for some reason that is impossible, be sure to ask them to send a photo well in advance.


Here are some other things to consider:


1. If they have problems finding a stable job, a criminal record may be the problem.

2. Ask them about previous romantic relationships and why they broke up. He / she should give good reasons for why they broke up.

3. Tell a friend or someone exactly who it is you are meeting up with, where, when, and any other information you know. Tell that person when you expect to be back home.

4. Don't go in the car with him / her the first time.

5. Don't drink or do anything that will make you impaired when you first meet that person.

6. Have fun!!!!!

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i kno alot of ppl online and i plan to meet sum 2 like next year i plan to meet my friend megan and soon this year i plan to meet my friend courtney ^_^ i trust all my friends and i kno there are alot of creeps out there my friend was raped by one but she still trusts me bc i comforted when she got preg

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