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New Zealand after earthquake?


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Christchurch took quite a big hit and parts of the city will never be the same. The final death toll was just under 200 people and the damaged estimated at around $12 billion US which makes it the costliest natural disaster in Kiwi history. New Zealand received immediate aid from Australia, the UN and the Commonwealth, even China donated around a half million dollars.


There remains massive cleanup with problem areas remaining such as the large portions of the city which had massive ground liquefaction. It is true the the triple disasters in Japan quickly took center stage but the threat of nuclear contamination represents a global threat.

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Heya I am from Christchurch the city where the earthquake hit


Well lets just say, we are starting our clean up very very slowly. The central city for us is closed until 2012 I think they are saying and they are just knocking over unsafe buildings at the moment and clearing away rubble before new buildings can be put up. But we still have a very long way to go.


We have taken the backseat in the disasters in Japan and US which means even people in our own country don't really know that is going on. The thing is when you don't live here and just see it on TV, as soon as you switch the TV off, its all over and you can forget its happening and don't feel the aftershocks and everything, but we have to live with it every day and it is still very hard. We are still getting a number of big aftershocks which scare the crap out of us thinking we are going to get another 'big' one so to speak.


Lets just say though that things are looking brighter, we had to learn in tents at our university due to unsafe buildings which was a very weird experience, but now they have got rid of the tents and now we are in lecture theatres again which is great! But it shows we are getting there. And I am pretty sure all the city has power and water again but still a lot of people have to use chemical toilets and portaloos but that number has dropped since the Feb 22nd earthquake

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All my best wishes to everyone in New Zealand. I was shocked to hear about the tornado as well.


My mother, sisters and I will be taking a cruise around your beautiful country later this year; it's a place I've always wanted to visit and I urge anyone thinking about taking a holiday there not to hesitate. Our tourist dollars are needed!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear this. The damage must be horrible. *hugs*


THank you! We are lucky in the fact that all the damage seemed to be in town which is already blocked off to the public anyway. I did hear that one person died though? Not too sure about that but as far as I am aware that everyone has power and water back, however our water is not safe to drink again.


And the 5.5 got upgraded to a 5.7 and the 6.0 got upgraded to a 6.3

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Wow that's just sad. I really enjoyed Christchurch, such a lovely town. Really nice folks there! Hope things stabilize and get okay again! Stay safe.


Thank you,

Just an update, had a 5.4 last night that scared the crap out of me and some suburbs lost power but for the first time ever, we lost no power or water on our side of town lol

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It's going to be a very different city if you ever come back here Crazy, they are thinking of pretty much changing the whole layout of the city center and also moving it further West since they found a fault line directly underneath the city center (yes another fault line, I think we have enough of them

Also I don't think they are going to build any buildings above 2 stories which is going to be very unsual...


But everything is still rumors so far


We also found out that 5000 homes can not be re-built on there land so there is 4 suburbs in Christchurch that can never be re-built or lived on again which is deverstating news

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It is My uncle is in the 'red zone' they like to call it with his land. His house was destroyed in the September earthquake and was allowed to re-build on his land but then the Feb earthquake happened and it ruined that option. He is thinking of just leaving like most people that are in the 'red zone' and people who are just sick of the shaking


There is an aftershock right now

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