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Guys & staring

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Maybe the answers to these are obvious but I would like to hear from the guys & their point of view...


- Do you stare at all girls or only the girls you have crushes on?


- What are you actually thinking when you are watching/staring at a girl (i.e., while she is busy doing something)?


- If you stare at one girl a lot & especially at her face does that mean you think she is hot/attractive/whatever?

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Do i stare at only the ones i have crushes on?


---- Not necessarily one i would have a crush on... just one i find attractive. And NO, i dont stare at the breasts or anything like that, I like looking them in/at the face...


What do i think?


----I think, gee, i wonder if she is single, i wonder if i could talk to her... i wonder what she does, with free time... and just about her beauty.



Stare a long time = Hot/Attractive?


---- Im not staring for my health.... more than likely thats why i am staring....



my friends say i have a bad staring problem

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i never really stare at a girl..but just look......staring is weird, i think....


1. No, i look at lots of girls but i usually don't have a crush on them. Sometimes its a habit (a bad one to admit) so i don't know why I do..just do.....if she is cute, i like to look at her...


2. I don't really think anything..except..wow she is cute!!!!!!!! and make sure she doesn't see me looking at her because that is embarrassing.......i don't think lustful thoughts at all.its just nice to see someone cute....


3. I don't look at a girl too long because its rude to do so.. I just think she is cute if i want to keep looking at her...

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If the girl is cute or hot, I stare. I don't stare too long, I don't want to look like I'm a pervert or something, which I'm not btw. I look at every girl, but I stare at the sexy ones, its perfectly normal, but if a guy is screaming and whiseling, then that is really rude.


I normally think that I want to hook up with her sometime, but I have a gf atm so I just think shes cute, I usually compare my gf with other girls, I don't know why.


So in conclution, this is really not a problem.

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Yeah, I usually only stare at a girl if I really want to get to know her. There are obviously other attractive girls around, but I only really "stare" at a girl I want to get to know.


As far as what I'm thinking: For me, I usually think that I wish I could get over my insecurities and EXTREME shyness (somewhat socially anxious) and just start a damn conversation with her. I have a huge problem with that cuz I think people think I'm probably real aloof and cold, but I'm really not.


And when I am staring at her face, it usually only lasts for a few split seconds and then I get all nervous and look away and am on my way. It means I want to get to know her.

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- Do you stare at all girls or only the girls you have crushes on?


Usually girls im checking out. I really don't do it that often, only with girls im trying to make eye contact with, or if im returning the stare. I supposse if I had a crush on them I may stare at them, but usually I might just check them out (ie scan their body and face etc for like a few seconds). If a guy stares at you, he probably finds you attractive, because you attracting his attention.

Im not gay or anything, but sometimes I might stare at a guy if I think hes got good style or an interesting hair cut etc, so I supposse that might be the same for girls... Infact they may have like chewing gum on their face or something. Usually though I stare at girls I find attractive.


- What are you actually thinking when you are watching/staring at a girl (i.e., while she is busy doing something)?


"What is she doing?" "Are you GF material?" "Shall I ask her out? Is she likely to say no?" "Wow what a great body/face!"


- If you stare at one girl a lot & especially at her face does that mean you think she is hot/attractive/whatever?


It most likely means he wants to go out with you on a date. He wants to see if you like him back, and to judge if you are inviting him to ask you out or not. Basically if this guy is single or whatever he will most likely be seeking some sign that you like him, or that you will aks him out because hes shy/thinks too highly of you.


Isn't it the same for girls though? Girls stare at guys for the same reasons don't they?

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Stare back at him, look into his eyes, and smile. He should get the hint.

I guess this is risky, but perhaps like slowly lip your licks in a seductive way or something, and that'll probably turn him on, and wil ltell him for sure you like him.

He may be shy, so perhaps like starting convo's with him may be good and doing some flirting like looking into eyes and touching him etc. Body positioning is always good. Most of this flirting is subconscious I think, so you should do it naturally.

I remember this one girl who I didn't like much, but I could tell by the way she flirted and acted that she really liked me, so over time I started to like her and even asked her out.

Some guys, like myself, sometimes get quite a bit of attention from girls, and so I might stare back just to give myself an ego boost, and I would probably like them back. However, because sometimes I stare back at sometimes a few girls in one day, it might give off the impression to one of those girls I have a crush on them, but really I just do it because I like to give the impression I like them more than I do in the hope some relationship might happen. So he might be like that - meaning you will have to either ask him out or flirt alot more with him to encourage him to like you enough to ask him out. However, I doubt hes like that an is probably just shy and looking for an encouragement to aks you out. Either way, flirt. Good luck.

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Usually I look at a girl if she looks at me, then I'll look away and look at her again. It's just natural instincts I suppose. By the way that is if I find her cute[sexy girls are better, but I like girls that are cute and attractive rather than the whole "I'm too hot for you" kind.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay! Someone actually made a post about this XD. I've been wondering for ages but I thought it would be weird to ask, lol. There's this guy who I like and i've caught him looking at me, and when I look over at him, sometimes we just sort of stare at eachother for a few seconds and then both look away, or the moment we make eye contact we both quickly look down at our books again. Either way, I was hoping it was a sign he found me attractive, and not that I have giant boogers hanging out of my nose in that class lol

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I look an the girls whom I find attractive. but I try to make it a quick eye contact and if she does look at me (well that might be a good sign. if not I try one more... no answer well she is not interested! then next thing i do is smile....it's really a impressive tool and it works!

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