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my love


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for the one who brings me the joy i feel i can't help but to steel a kiss from lips so fair . my love is one who is speciel to me her eyes like a raging fire burn deep into endless nigth. i feel that she just may be the one . o o women of mine look at wat you hav done . her haert is that of a angel as well as her hair m mmm mmm i say in my mind trying to be good for the one but i can't help feel so alive in her words mm mmmm mmmmm so i tell her be bad and coy i do like to play but she knows that my haert is for the taking so i told her i would rigth this poem as you see it was done. given time maybe soon we can . but until then my love i must live in this hell . until you come from the heavens above my angel of love




ps hope you like

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With each passing moment, I sit here and wait.

Hoping soon you will come, not to be late

I have sat and played games and wondered and sighed

I have even felt an urge or two to cry


Alas, several hours have passed

And not a word I have heard

From my man of dark words

Who's mood seem improved


To hear your sweet words

Makes my heart flutter

Like wings on a bird

And like melting butter


Where are you tonight?

I thought we'd agreed

We'd be together on line

And I am in need


man of darkness I met you in a room for chatting

I now think you must not want me, please change my mind before it's too late, I miss you much!

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i have not forgoten they . the one that keeps me . deep with in i must say . only forgive me pls i pray. maybe soon we will meet and on that day i will sweep you off your feet . i am not that good as you see but we have something i know thise is something i have not felt in a while . for long have i wait for this day just to say thy's words . long have i waited in the nigth for someone to bring me a ligth . as you have done for me . i can't think of anywere else i rather be then in your arm's .holding you tigth to me as we slip off to sleep o o were art thy in my time of need but a beat of my haret away . so as i end this rhyim i say to the one this is me maybe in time i'll be forgiven for the time i spend away but knoe this your allwasys in my haret. the end

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