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any experiences....

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my boyfriend who was living with me for 9 months just got up and left me and my 3 year old daughter and went back to his wife who he was about to be divorced from.

after declaring how much he loved me and was never going to lose me.

this only happened 10 days ago. i wasnt even home i was away visiting family. I come home his stuff is gone and it was like he was never even there.

I dont think I pushed him away, I think she pulled him back. She cheated on him which she denied but he had overwhelming evidence of, she was constantly crying and begging and threatening suicide. She could always manipulate him (she is a narcissist, sorry but she is) and I just think he cracked in the end and went back to her.

my story is a bit long, i posted it yesterday.

how do i feel?

devastated, rail roaded, blind sided, hurt, confused, heartbroken.

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Has anyone been in the situation where your ex leaves you/goes back there ex?

And you were not a rebound


How did it make you feel?


did you feel like you pushed them away?


thanks for any comments


Oh yeah I have and I was so naive that people even do such a thing. The way I operate is that when I am done with someone to the point of breaking up, it is over. I can't imagine going back to a situation that has proven to be broken.


I just laugh at it now and say whatever. I am going to hold out for what I really want instead of going back to what is comfortable. That is so lazy!

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