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wondering if the opinion is still that this girl likes me -

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Well, like 4:20 monday morning now, and saturday night was the night that that girl kinda ignored me playing hard to get or whatever. I got a couple replies on wether or not this girl liked me, and it was that she probably does, but is just weary because of certain things including her ex. Tonight she came up town when I was talkin to a couple of my guy friends. I joked around with her, made her laugh about certain dumb things i was just sayin on purpose to make her laugh, and she laughed - cracked up a couple times. Then i said " give me a hug, ( acting real childish and " cute " ) and she was like " I dont trust you " while smiling. and so I looked at the ground and show walked up to me and stood real close like i was supposed to hug her. so i put my arms around her and she just leaned against me and put her head on my shoulder ( she said she was cold but not sure if she stayed there on me kuz she liked it.) i tickled her a little bit and she laughed and said stop. but i kept doin it just to be flirty and she backed up and i let go and she laughed and said " thats where i draw the line. just sayin " i wont let you hug me if youre gonna just tickle me " kuz i guess shes pretty tickleish. but anyway, when i was holdin her i was jokin and said " will you be my girlfriend " and she said " sure " but it sounded a little sarcastic. and i said " seriously " also sounding kinda sarcastic, then she said " yea " somewhat sarcastically again. and I said " youre still in love with kyle ( her ex ) " just joking, and she slapped me and laughed . And that was right before i started tickling her. then i basically just asked random dumb questions to talk to her and made her laugh, and talked a little also while pranking my friends friend from his college on his cell. She wouldnt quit laughin kuz of it lol, it was funny. Then anyway, she was like " i need to go home, im tired. " and i said " no you dont " and she was like yes i do. And she slowly walked back to her car and i said " give me a call tomorrow, well eat fettecinni " ahahah, and she said " ok " then while she was gettin in her car she said " i hate fettecinni by the way " lol, and i said " too bad I guess . " and then said bye and she said bye. That was basically it. But if anyone wants to let me know, do you think shes into me ? are there any clues, and any advice on what i should do or how i should act next time i see her. Anything i should ask ? or anyway i should act towards her ? just let me know, it would help - but basically , just wonderin if she still sounds interested , im kinda getting slight mixed signals. Halfway that she likes me, and halfway that she was just tired or just wants to be friends. Not sure, just need some feedback from anyone wanting to reply. Itd be appreciated -

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Alright, I already posted another reply on your old topic, but this is it.


She's either playing the hard to get type and wants you to chase her, or she's kind of leading you on and is playing head games.


But about her not liking the same food as you and the tickling thing, don't let that discourage you. Maby she's just being playful.


I'll admit, this is a trickier one to diagnose than I had origionally thought.


Also it sounds to me like you are being a little to direct in finding out if she likes you. Asking if she'd be your girlfriend (even if it was sarcastic) was gutsy and put her in a potentially uncomfortable position. But she didn't say no, so it dosen't sound like it was a really bad idea.


Use your instincts on this and don't get too caught up over her until you know she's not just playing around.

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