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Feelings emptiness and guilt...

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Everything is going great in my life but why do I feel so empty right now? I'm not sad or depressed. I'm just feeling empty. I just don't really have any goals to achieve I guess. Maybe I could still try to be part of a community service thing where I help others. Maybe that would provide me with some self-fulfillment as well as helping others in the process. I'm not sure how to go about doing it so I guess that's why I feel this way. I feel like my family is not supporting the way I am living sometimes and it makes me feel guilty and out of place. I want my own life. But I feel like I am hurting them and making them mad because I want to live a different life then what they would like for me to live. I shouldn't feel guilty but I do anyway. Also, I feel very guilty about doing some inappropriate things with a girl during the last date I went on. I did not have sex or anything but it was still inappropriate for a date. I feel guilty because now I realize that she is not right for me. I've already decided to take a break from dating for a while and try to rid these feelings of emptiness and guilt. Can someone convince me that I shouldn't feel this way or should I feel this way? Thanks.

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okay heres my advice. I know it's kinda hard to do sometimes, but I think you really need to stop worrying about what other people think about you or what your doing with your life, and worry about yourself! take some time, focus on what's important to you, and whats not, etc. don't let other people influence your choices, or your feelings! good luck, and I hope I helped!



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Hi Caldus,

I know what you mean about felling empty. I get that way from time to time as well. I don't really know how to get rid of it except to try and stay busy with school, work, friends, hobbies, activities, etc. Community service sounds like a great idea, as its something that will make you feel good about yourself.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by:


my family is not supporting the way I am living




I want to live a different life then what they would like for me to live


I don't know what your situation is, so all I can say based on your post, is that you shouldn't feel guilty about living your life the way you want to live. As long as you're not putting yourself or anybody else in danger, they should hopefully come to accept whatever diiferences you have.


As far as the date you went on, as long as whatever you did was consentual(sp.), I don't think there is anything to feel guilty about.


Hope I helped,


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