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hey guys this is a bit of an embarrsing post for me to write but here it goes.... i am only 14 years old and am already questioning if i am gay or not. i mean... i really REALLY like this girl (not dating) (she dont know i like her). but then on the other hand i am attracted to someone of the same sex as myself. i really dont know whats happening in my life right now. i hope you understand that this was tough for me to write but i felt it had to be done.. help really REALLY welcome thanks a lot in advance

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Don't be embarrassed. I'm 14 and have questioned if I'm lesbian or bi. I don't have any exact answers. But I looked at it like this: I like guys, of course I do. But also I have this really hot friend (she's a girl) who I'm really attracted to. We have actually dated before. If you like girls ...but seem to be attracted to guys too you could be bi. See when I felt this way first I didn't think I was bi because I just never thought I would be. I thought it was more of, 'she's prettier.' 'her boobs are bigger' so on..but then I became attracted to her, how I am with guys. I have no answers...I'm just letting you know I can relate. Good Luck.



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I pretty much went through the same thing at under_the_pressure did. My first kiss was with a girl, while I was going out with her best friend (my first boyfriend). It's just a part of the age as OCS Virus said. You start to question your sexuality. I know I like guys, but sometimes I see a really hot girl and...start thinking. I also like watching porn with two (or more) women. You'll figure it out, it will just take some time. Don't be embarrassed about it either!!

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don't worry too much about it. it's a natural thing for most teenagers to go through. I had the same problem when i was your age. My best friend and I were very close, and I remember thinking, if she was a boy I'd really fancy her, but I did grow attracted to her, and we even started a relationship. It was only after I'd experimented that I realised that I wasn't a lesbian and I'd rather be with men. I haven't been with another woman since, and I'm not tempted or confused anymore. I don't regret having experimented at all, I needed to, to find out who i was.


Don't stress about it. It's normal - you'd be surprised how many people your age have wondered and even experimented.

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