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I told him, and he didn't know what to say??

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Hey hey!

Ok well there's this guy lets call him Jay, and I've liked him for about 5 months or so. I kinda forgot about him for a while cause he had a gilfriend but he dumped her last month. I had been talking to him a lot and he had always kinda acted like he liked me back. Like I was talking to him about how one of my guy friends wanted to get me high because I've never done it... so then Jay (who has never done it either) told me not to do it, so I told him I wouldn't.. just for him. He was just like "woo-hoo" lol but he'd do stuff when I was talking to him on msn like saying that he was so tired he didn't even wanna type. I told him he didn't have to but he was like "No, it's alright" There was a lot of other stuff but I was just getting the vibe that he liked me back.


I figured I'd tell him that I like him, because there couldn't be any harm in it right? I'd at least get to tell him how I feel and see how he feels about me. So I was talking to him and we had kind of run out of things to talk about so I said "I've got something to tell you, but I'm not sure if I should" and he said "Of course... you can tell me" so I told him I liked him and about 5 minutes later he responded "lol... I don't know what to say"

I was just like "Bet you weren't expecting that eh?" and he said that he thought I might like him but he didn't know for sure" He didn't really talk much after that and I said that he could just forget I said it if he wanted... he didn't say anything. So then I figured I probably kinda caught him off guard so I told him I didn't want to weird him out or anything... he just said "its alright" and that was that.


I really don't understand because I'm pretty shy by nature when it comes to this stuff and I totally opened up and told him, which is something I don't often do... and he didn't tell me how he felt at all. I at least thought he would have maybe hinted as to if he liked me or not, if he was too shy to tell me out right, but he didn't. I don't get it... why -after opening up to him- couldn't he tell me how he felt? Is it because he doesn't like me?


Pretty much all I got out of that was some embarrassment and a feeling of stupidity for actually telling him. I don't know how to find out if he likes me or not because just asking him seems kind of weird, if you know what I mean. I know there is this other girl that he has liked forever but he apparently knows he can't have her because she doesn't like him that way and they're better off as friends anyway. Which is the same situation I'm in with the other guy I used to like. So I know she's not holding him back as he went out with this girl that he dumped last month... while stilll liking the other one. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can get him to open up and volunteer the information instead of me having to get it out of him? I really need to know and just asking him doesn't seem right! lol thanks


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Er, you should be able to tell how he feels, if you think about it. Being one myself, I haven't known a guy who acts like he likes a girl without actually liking them, though the other way round is different; reading girls is very very hard!


You probably DID catch him off guard; he didn't have anything backed up to say.


Perhaps leave it for a couple of days, see how he is, and then you should be able to ask him more or less straight out if he feels the same way!

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I kinda think you should have waited a bit before telling him straight out that you like him. This won't help you with him anymore--but keep it in mind for the next guy.


You say he asked some girl out that he liked before. What made you think he was too shy to ask you out? If he wasn't too shy to ask her then he would be the same way with any girl that he does like.


I think you should leave him alone for awhile. Let him be the one to message you or call you up. Don't go looking for him or you WILL weird him out. Instead let him come your way--this way he does not feel pressured. Do not ask him how he feels about you at all. If he feels something he will tell you or show you, but if you ask him then you will drive him away.


Relax about this. Be confident .

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You should of asked him on a date or something...

I would say that he either doesn't know if he likes you or not, but hes never really seen you in that light before as such.

Sorry to say this, but I don't think he was totally in to you when you told him, otherwise he would of said something. He might change his mind though.

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