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What is going on??


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Gym is where it all began. I really liked this guy who used to stare at me whenever he could, he should smile and i would smile at him back. I was really attracted to him and i think he was to me too... I would get excited to see him and as soon as he saw me his eyes would just never let go... and if he knew i was leaving he would walk all over to the other side just to see me and wave and smile goodbye,it was rally sweet of him to do. Days and nights i couldnt stop thinking of him, sometimes i wish i could stop but it was hard. Then..i was sick for 2 weeks and hadnt been to gym and now that im better i havent seen him at gym at all, i have seen his friends but not him. I would get sad, disappointed..he hasnt been to gym for now 2 weeks that im counting. I keep hoping i would see him or he would show up..but he never does. The thing is we havent spoken at all,we only said bye to each other when either of us would leave. Im too shy and i think he is too..


So anyway lately..another guy came up to me in gym, he seemed friendly and we talked about the workouts,etc.. then a few days after this guy tells me that he likes me and wants to get to know me.. I was kind of shocked coz I only have thought of this guy has a friend to me since i have my heart set on my crush. So i told him that id rather just be friends with him since im kind of seeing someone. So this guy was kinda disappointed but he said thats cool,so we still talked when we saw each other. Then yesterday he was at gym and spoke to me, he told me " youre so pretty,theres just something about you,youre so decent,kind..something hard to find in women nowadays..." and i was like nah theres plenty like me.....then he was like "when i see you its like everything goes in slow motion" .....and then he said " ok im talking to much now" and then he said "see you" and went to do a workout. I was taken aback by what he said because it would've meant so much if my crush had said those words. I really only like this other guy as a friends and i wont change my mind. I just dont know why he told me all that...? And all i want is to see my crush at gym I dont want this other guy to know thats my crush or else he will go blab something that would make my crush not like me lol... i dont know what to do about this situation as my crush hasnt been to gym and this other guy will keep approaching me??

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There could be many reasons why the guy you like is not going to the gym. You also couldn't go for a couple of weeks and it wasn't because you didn't like the guy. The admiration of the second guy is confusing you but it shouldn't. Just make it perfectly clear that you see him only as a friend. Maybe you could ask one of your "crushes" friends how he's going. You could say that you haven't seen him around lately and hope he's OK. Best of luck!

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There could be many reasons why the guy you like is not going to the gym. You also couldn't go for a couple of weeks and it wasn't because you didn't like the guy. The admiration of the second guy is confusing you but it shouldn't. Just make it perfectly clear that you see him only as a friend. Maybe you could ask one of your "crushes" friends how he's going. You could say that you haven't seen him around lately and hope he's OK. Best of luck!


The thing is i dont speak to my crushes friends and they all seem really into their workouts so ill feel weird to go and ask them about a guy that i dont even have a name to lol. Im a really shy girl but Ill talk to someone if they make a conversation with me.. I am getting confused and i feel like just going to where my crush is..

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