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Interview Q's

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Hi everybody....


I have an interview in a week. I have a couple of questions to ask...


I am usually really good in interviews, but I am nervous. It's for a similar job that I am currently doing. First q: What's a good way to answer if they ask my reason for leaving my current job?


Second...what do I wear?!

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Always put a positive spin on why you are leaving your current job--for example, frame your answer so that you emphasize the value of the skills you've learned, but over time you saw that you desired for your career to grow in the direction that the new company may have to offer. Reiterate how the skills you already have did prepare you for this new opportunity.


Be prepared for a lot of behavioral questions and practice the tough ones, such as describe your worst attributes (I hate that one), or how do you deal with confrontation, or what is the most difficult situation you've ever been in and how did you mitigate it and what was the outcome.


As for what to wear, always "err" on the side of business formal, especially if you don't know the dress code of the new place. I'd never show up for an interview in anything less than a suit or a dress with a blazer (that looks like a suit), and tasteful shoes, heels ok but no open toes. Colors like navy blue, dark brown, and dark gray look less severe on women than black, but if black is what you have, go with it and add a little color.


Hope this helps!

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I answered that the last time I was posed that question with an attribute that, while sometimes negative, can be spun into a positive...it's probably not my worst attribute overall (I said perfectionism), but in my answer I admitted that while I am challenged from time to time to overcome it, at the same time I am spurred to produce a high quality of work. I just must work to find that medium when I need to pull back from the grind. (Otherwise, I end up on a hamster wheel and might not get anything done, lol. )


Always cite an example as to how you are overcoming your shortcomings.

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Awesome, thanks for the responses you guys. Apparently I am going to be interviewed by 2-6 managers at once so I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the experience and really nervous lol. It's for a restaurant management position so those would be my colleagues lol.


I think the suit would be a little overboard, so I will have to find a little more casual of an outfit that's still tasteful...

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Awesome, thanks for the responses you guys. Apparently I am going to be interviewed by 2-6 managers at once so I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the experience and really nervous lol. It's for a restaurant management position so those would be my colleagues lol.


I think the suit would be a little overboard, so I will have to find a little more casual of an outfit that's still tasteful...


Black pants, button up shirt or dressy top. Can't really go wrong.

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