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Getting back after separation over a year

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I had another topic on here explaining my whole situation but now need to know is there anyone out there who has been broken up with their ex for over a year ?(long term relationship for me - off and on for 15 yrs). Has anyone been apart that long and after remaining 'friends', wanted to get back together as it once was? When I finally told my ex (after a year) that I wanted to reconcile, I found out that he was seeing someone else which hurt 100 times worse. I am not wanting to get back with him because of jealousy either because I had no clue about it at the time. What are the chances of someone wanting to come back after that long a separation and their thinking that we had both moved on? Thanks for any input...

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Ok in my opinion if you are still in love you should talk with her because she may be feeling the same as you even if she is not there is a very good chance after as long as it was that you were together that you could rekindle good luck and best wishes pm me anytime

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I have talked with him and told him how I felt (that I still care and love him). He is involved with someone else right now and he did say he is not in love with her but love takes time so I took that as his maybe 'wanting' to fall in love with this girl. He said he cannot see me now and see her at the same time (not fair to anyone) which I respect. I live in same apt. complex as him so we are just a few steps from each others door. Very hard for me to stay away and not want to walk over there when I am feeling lonely, hurt and anxious. We do talk sometimes but he says he cannot give me an answer at this time about how he really feels about me. He did say he loves me but that comes with the territory after being with someone for 15 yrs. He meant he cannot say he cares ENOUGH to dump this other girl and want to start seeing me again....

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