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He Wont Talk to Me

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I posted my problem earlier this week I had screwed up bigtime dumped my bf of 8 months cause of an argument and I was drunk anyways... I've tried to make amends over and over again I emailed him how much I loved him twice I've called twice and yet I don't get a response. I know I've hurt him really bad and all I want is him back I love him so much and I don't know what to do. Do you think He'll contact me or should I try and contact him again I need to talk to him it's like a part of me has died. I can't eat I can't concentrate and I cry all the time I don't want my relationship to be over we've had such a great time together and I cant picture my life without him.

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All you can do right now is wait. You can keep contacting him over and over again, but it probably isn't going to make a difference.


Why did you break up with him in the first place? Was it the first time you've done it? If so, has alcohol been involved every time? I'm just trying to get a bit more information about your situation so I can understand it better.


Right now you're feeling awful. There isn't much else you can do besides concentrating on yourself and your own life for the time being. If you just sit around wondering when he's going to call, it's going to consume you and you'll get nowhere. Try to be around other people and don't sit by the phone waiting for a call.

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It's happened before were we get in arguments a lot. like I've said things like I don't want to date you anymore but then we make up the same day we're just the type to fight a lot but we have such a great time together for the most part.

He once caused a huge fight that at the time I didn't think was forgiveable but I forgave him after a few days but we had contact this is different he wont respond to anything...

I want to call him so badly tonight and I know it may not be a good idea but when we talk on the phone or in person we usually settle things... but he wont even answer my calls... I'm like devestated it hurts so bad and the worst part is I caused it.

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