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a week after an expensive gift? does that matter?

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A girl I used to know just Imed me with a prob. The school year is starting again and she already has her eye on a guy. Unfortunately, she also has a so called "long distance relationship" with a guy a hour away. She wants to break it off before the year starts again. But she said when she brought up hinks that she wanted to see another guy, he just brought her "expensive" gifts. I think she said it was a 40 dollar charm of gold or something like that. Now I advise her in ways to let him down easy, but not hide behind excuses. The guy is coming up tomorrow to see her and I tell her to do it then. But she says u can't break up until after a week after an expensive gift.

1)Is this true?

2)Does it even matter?

I need this quick if you could


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There's no rule. She should have broken up with him at the time of the gift giving instead of accepting it though. If she knew she wanted to break things off then she shouldn't have kept leading him on. And she still shouldn't just because it hasn't been a week. An hour isn't exactly that long of a distance either. I think she should just break up with him when he comes to see her and give the charm back. He might insist that she keep it, which is fine.

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JuJu is right. She should have broken up with him back when she first wanted to. Instead she accepted the gift like she still wanted to be with him. Now he thinks that everything is going alright.


I never heard of such a rule, but even if it was true, it doesn't matter. Its not fair to continue leading this guy on. If she doesn't want to be with him, then she needs to let him know & stop accepting the gifts.


It seems to me that he was kind of getting the hint that she wanted to break up with him, so he bought her a gift so that maybe she would feel guilty if she did end up breaking up with him.


Whatever the case, she needs to break up with him as soon as possible. Its not right to leave him thinking that things are going perfectly when really this whole time she didn't want to be with him.


The sooner the better. It doesn't matter about the gift. Maybe she should consider giving it back, since she really shouldn't have accepted in the first place.

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