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Hair Styles?

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I would have to say that my boyfriend looks great as both so i dont really prefer any particular one, but i know that im going to straighten his hair because hes grown it out for me, and if youve got long enough hair that could be an option, i think someone who has variety is more attractive, and if styling it is one option then id take it.



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I think it was Jamie that said it really depends on the guy. Go find a good stylist and ask him/her what works best for your:


Face Shape

Hair Type (curly/straight/thick/thin)

Clothing Style


My hair is fairly short (#3 on the sides), combed forward, then kinda messily spiked up front. The back is tapered, and the top is textured. Think Tom Cruise in the first M movie, but a little longer.

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I like the shaggy look too, not gross messy...but shaggy. But then again..one day, my boyfriend came to see me and had gotten his hair cut without telling me and he had a little bit of gel in it so it was kind of messily spiked in the front. Woo eeee...he was hott!

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My hairs short all over but spiked up at the front. However after like a week, my short hair grows a bit, and my spikeyness at the front kind flows into my normal hair, for a nice blend.

I think it looks smart, and I like it mostly. Some times I do slightly different things with it though.

I wouldn't really change my hairstyle to anything else around nowadays, as I think messy hair etc looks really lame, and looks like you've made no effort. I like to look 'crisp' and 'smart' (smart like a soldier, not like computer guy) I guess.

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