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Why is she doing this, i dont under stand!

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well it has been a month and a half since i saw my ex. we broke up june 28, because we lost the trust anyways thats a long story but today we started school and we made eye contact but then when she past me she loked down and away. After school she was talking to my friend and she knew i was coming so i saw her turn her back then i said to him then i said hi to her but she didnt say anything so i kept walking to go to my car.

Why is she doing this, We talked a month ago and she said that i could earn her trust back and i can prove to her that i love her. does she not want to see me or she doesnt want anything to do with me. why is she doing this.

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What did you do?? If you cheated or were unfaithful in anyway, gaining that kind of trust back is extremely difficult and is certainly NOT over night. She might have already moved on, or still (most likely) feels the hurt of what you did to betray her.


Breaking trust in someone is like breaking a china plate, you can glue it back together again, but its not as pristine and strong as it was before...

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