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what reminded you of your ex after the break up?

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for me it was

one of our songs. it came up on the radio when i was headed to the airport. man that hurt

a guy in the airport who i sat close to was named the same as my ex dad. and had the same kind of cloth on and was also bold.

my ex middle name appeard alot on different things

my ex name appeared all over the place. like tv and everything

three girls in a row wanted to talk to me . first one with the same name as my ex the other two who started with the same letter.

never seen this before a car that said ultra ex lol.

and alot more it actualy sucks when this happens.

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For me it's stupid little things.


Various songs

His name, and its everywhere (i have to pretend I heard something else, just like with last relationship)

The way JD on scrubs said hello in an episode (he used to say it weirdly)

His sister, who looks a lot like him

His friend in a grocery store buying groceries with her boyfriend

My boobs and stomach. Says a lot about our relationship.


Eventually you come to realize there's no reason to hate any of the things that remind you of your ex, or your ex either. I can safely say that the things he and i both had in common and liked, I will NOT be stopping doing anytime soon. And I decided that the day he broke up with me, because in my previous relationship I threw out so many nice gifts and stopped doing so many things that I almost sunk myself into a deeper depression. I regretted doing that, so never again.


Chin up girl, plenty of fish in the sea!

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Music.. Songs we ustoo listen together

Cars.... He had just purchased a sports car, I see them everywhere

Gym... He was always there and is always there

Garage Where he split his arm on a saw

Cottages Where he would come with me during summer time



My phone!


LoL Everything.

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-certain songs

-his name (has a common name)

-the stores we used to go to and places we used to go to

-hearing about his town

-movies he liked

- certain TV shows and movies he's been in (he's an actor)


ughhh just everything. but over time it gets better! time heals. it always get better...

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