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creativity in and out of the bed room. any ideas?


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So Far, i have thought of a use for 750 ft. of saran wrap, 1 pair of scissors, and a rubber spatchula (she's been hinting on a desire to be creative in bed). In the past, I have had one major moment where I gave her a body scrub (that I made from scratch), a 1.5 hour massage w/reflexology, and drew her a bath w/1 lb of rose peddles (wine, candles, and dark chocolate included). Here's my problem, I have been w/this woman for over 3 years now. I love her very much. She's 40, 7 years older than me. She is constantly putting herself down because she is getting older. But to tell the honest truth in the most sappiest of ways, she becomes more beautiful inside and out w/each passing year. Unfortunately, as sincere as my words are, I'm not very poetic, my words seem to fly by her ears like the torpedic afterbirth of verbal masturbation. It seems that in this case, actions speak louder than words, and I'm at a bit of a creative dead end at the moment. So ladies and gentlemen, I am asking for ideas, not to plagiarize, but to get the wheels turning... After All, saying "I love you" is just that, saying it... Taking the time to show it... that's showing it.

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It's the smallest things that show real love, not the grand gestures.

Pay attention to what she likes. Her favourite flower, music, film, picture, idea for a trip away, holiday, something she would love to do or see but can't or won't.

She should be the biggest source of inspiration for you.


Something I did with an ex (who admittedly didn't deserve it in the end) was to make a book of all our texts, emails, and such like since we'd met. I spent 2 weeks designing it and doing a layout and learning how to book bind to make this thing. Reduced her to tears.

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Having said that, she is very responsive to me taking the time to be creative. And, if I'm not mistaking, you your self came up with a nice little diddy yourself... I don't care how elaborate it is... I just want her to feel beautiful and loved.

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That idea of the book sounds like it could give her a lot of reassurance! or you can make a photoalbum or something sweet and personal of the kind?..

I figure your issue is more to do with her physical confidence and sex? I bet just admiring her verbally regularly and consistently is still the best way.

Or you can take erotic pictures of her when you re making love, then edit them and make an album: she'd then see how beautiful she is and how much you adore her physicality.

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