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Age & Dating Question!


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What age range are you willing to date & how old are you (if you don't mind answering)? Just curious as I'm still trying to decide what age range I feel comfortable dating.


Also, just want to specify that I'm not so much wondering what ages of people would you be willing to just hook up with (if you're into that) but what age range of people would you be willing to have an exclusive relationship with?

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I'm 21, dating a 34. I never thought of this before, but he also didn't look 34, lol. It did open my mind up so I don't care of that age now. Before, I'd say 27, 28. Research says the society's approval is usually like, add or minus 7 years to your age, and that's it. Weird.

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It can sometimes be strange to refer to the past, in reference to what each person was doing (1 in middle school, the other working full time after college)


I love doing that. Today I found an old piece of paper that said, "Teabee lost 2 teeth today. March 1995." I was still losing my baby teeth while he was opening up his first business. EEK! Now that one leaves me a little uncomfortable.

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I'm 22 (will be 23 in a few weeks) and my husband-to-be is 30 (will be 31 in May). When I was 19 I dated a 37 year-old...my last serious relationship prior to my engagement...he was only one year older than me. I have always liked older men but have had a few brief relationships with younger men. I think for me the limit would be 20 years in either direction but honestly I don't know since I feel every person is an individual of which age is only a small factor.

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I am 21 and the guy i am dating is 38.The chemistry between us is unbelievable. We get along great and always have something to talk about. Our conversatins range from the superfical world to deep emotional convos and current event happening around the world. I have always been into older guys because i feel like i can connect with them better. My ex ws 32 when i was 18 and we dated for about a year and a half. I just think age is a number and you have to do whats best for you.

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