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here's an advice for those who are trying to move on........

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A little advice for the people who are trying the no contact rule.




I think we all have the sudden urges to call. We even make up silly

excuses to do so. It's perfectly normal to wonder what they are up to and if they are doing better than you are. But honestly, having that knowledge does not make things better. If anything, it makes it more difficult to move on!

Im speaking from experience here so you gotta trust me.

My ex called me last night out of no where and wanted to see me. I couldn't fight the urges so i went and hung out with him. We had such a great time. We hugged, kissed, talked, and cuddled for hours...(everything that i missed so much about having him around)...

BUT despite the GREAT night, i knew that i couldnt expect a phone call from him today. I knew i wasn't going to be with him tonight and it hurts.

It's just another reminder that we are over no matter what...


I was finally starting to feel comfortable with the fact that i am alone and single...The thought of him started to hurt a little less...

now its all back just because of last night...


so aviod re-connecting with your ex....its honestly the last thing you need when you are still trying to heal...[/u][/b]

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im sorry for making you cry...

i think pretty much everyone in this site has done their fair share of crying...

Im just tryin to say that even if you get the chance to have what you missed about him/her again....it's most likely temporary..

TIME is my enemy....im not a patient person by nature but i have come to realize that it is the only way i can heal...

My ex and i still love each other so much and its hard to resist....but we both know its just not gonna work out right now...Maybe in the future when we learn our lessons and grow from this experience...

As of now, i really need to learn how to let go.


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Well...the most valuable lessons in life cannot be learned the easy way!

I have never lost a loved one before...not through death or anything. Although my ex didn't die, it feels as if he did...and i am having difficulty dealing with it

It could even be easier to let go of someone who is dead because there is a finality knowing that there is no way in hell that you can be with that person again....you KNOW. that there is no future. But letting go of someone who is well, breathing and present is difficult! You keep thinking.."...maybe if i try just one more time...."

It's easier for me to think that he's gone....that he's dead. It gives me the closure that i need to continue with my life.

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Is their really no hope of making things workout.


I don't think I can move on. I cant get my EX out of my mind and heart.

Ive tried NC but we just end up always talking again.


If you would like to read my post -it;s

Im not sure what to do -I JUST WANT TO BE WITH HIM.




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Im sorry to disappoint you...but i really don't know the answers to your questions. Every situation is different and i don't know if yours will turn out like mine. However i do know one thing. If he keeps saying that he is over you and that he has moved on...you are really left with no choice but to give it time. There is nothing wrong with hoping that you will get back together in the future...but you gotta give it time first. But don't dwell to much on that either...because time does not always make things better.


I know time sux especially because it goes by SOOOO freakin' slow when you aren't with that person. But make good use of the time you guyz are spending apart. GO and do things you have alwayz been scared of....it makes you feel liberated afterwards.

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Reading your posts made me smile, thank you. I miss my ex more than I thought was humanly possible. We live together. It's been almost a month since our break up, I see him and sometimes it kills me other times he makes me feel better. He's done some selfish things, but he's my best friend. NC can't work for us right now, so instead we try not to see each other everyday. And like you we love each other very much, but he isn't ready. I know that we can't stay this way forever, but crying on his shoulder has actually helped, and it's allowing me some closure. Only time will tell, that's what I keep hearing from people. So I'm trying to take it a day at a time, my situation is weird but it's helping me let go a little each day. It hurts of course, and there are days that we slip back into old routines but I feel better today than I did 24 hours ago. One thing that I have learened from my relationship is that love doesn't solve everything. If you are on 2 different pages it won't work, timing is very important.


Letting go is a different process for everyone, I wish you all the best with yours.

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im glad i made you smile...

when times are so rough, a little smile can be such an effort...


If you truly know that what you had with your ex is special and real, then you have the right to hope for the future. Im not trying to discourage those of you who are hoping to get back together with your ex. Im just saying that for the future to happen....there has to be time spent apart in between. They need their space to grow....

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