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im in week four and it hurts so bad what does every one think


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my ex broke up with me about three weeks ago and it hurts so bad. i hve tried to forget her but the pain gets worse. i know i might never talk to her agian but im hurt.this is how every thing went down.


ok so day of the break up she told me she was not comfterable with herself, told me she is scared of the world


so week one

i contacted her she said she is sorry for everything..she said i dont love you after i asked her to tell me that. she would contact me or i would contact her. i told her that i wanted to send her stuff back ,he told me no then i told her it hurts to keep em and she said send them back il send them back after you are ready.then she asked if i had another girl.i told her that i wanted her to be happy and i would get out her life she told me no started crying. till i told her i love her.


week two

she acted bitter agianst me . i told her im not trying to get back with her so she wont feel pressured. i told her i know she loves me but its ok we will get over this. she got mad at me said i was lying. but then she ask what i was doing with my friends after she said they tried to get me a gf. then a couple days later she asked what my friends and i did and she said u guys waatched a movie hu?i told her no we just hung out


week three

she was trying to talk to me i was to busy but she tried trying to start a conversation. i had to go so four days later i told her i know she wanted to talk to me. see she uses excuses to why. she will not admit it. i told her if you want to be friends lets be friends just admit u wanted to talk. i told her its ok if you want to talk . i told her lets just be friends, but i thought about the times she acted bitter. so i told her i dont want to bother you any more and told her im getting out of her life. she told me no your not. and then she said she had to go.so i told her if u really want to talk to me call me tomorrow. she did not call


she tells me she just wants to be friends. ok i see that and i agreed and acted like a frien i did not flirt.i did not sound mean when i told her i felt likei was bothering her . i told her why so what does every one thinks is going on? she keeps talking about been the bestest friend and i agree she did not even want to talk to me

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From what I can tell, it sounds like there is at least a problem with communicating. Both of your prides are getting in the way, which is common. Neither wants to admit feelings without prying it out of the other. Starting of week 3, she tried to talk to you and you blew her off....for 4 days!! That's about all I got on this one. Good luck

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