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Confusion With G/f -- Bet you've never seen that Subject b4!

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Hello, Sorry for the length (I have an example tucked in there, lol) I've been going out with this girl for almost a month and it seems she has alot of mood changes. I think she has alot of problems at home with her family, but she doesn't want to tell me them. She is 2 years younger than me, and her friends say that she just isn't used to having a boyfriend that is a friend as well as a boyfriend. (if you know what I mean)


Anyways, this really bothers me, that she can't tell me her problems. I just find out everything from her friends. She also doesn't like telling me if she has other plans.


For example:


She told me to call her after I got of work (5:00 pm). So I call her, there's no answer, but then she calls right back. It's around 5:30 and usually when she eats dinner. So I asked if she was eating, and she said yes, so she said she'd call me back after dinner.


It's 7:30pm and still no call. So I call her and her mom says she went to her friends. Why couldn't she have just told me that in the first place. If she had of told me that, then I wouldn't have cared. I would have made other plans. But when she doesn't tell me this, I'm sitting at home waiting.


And then I bring it up and she tries to deny every little detail and wonder waht the big deal is?! Is she too wrapped up in herself?


Another thing is she likes to hang out with me, but she rarely calls me. She will tell me she'll call me, but she doesn't. So I end up calling her and we hang out, and she wants to hangout n' everything. Is she afraid to call me or something?


Some days she's fine and others she just seems so bummed out. And seeing her like that just bums me out, and I don't have the slightest clue what's going on.


Her friends say she lies alot and acts different alot, and they say they just get used to it. But I can't just get used to it. It bothers me alot and I like her so much, I don't want to end things. I want to help her and build up our relationship, but I just don't know how!


And i feel that I'm always b!tching her out for things, but I just want to help the situation and get past these problems early on in the relationship, so we'll be fine in the future. Am I doing things wrong? Am I getting to ahead of myself?


Has anyone seen anythign like this before? Any help or advice is very much appreciated!


Thanks in advance


- Jabe

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