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Past failures leaving me apprenhsive on what to say!! Help!!


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So about mid-Jan I decided to start looking around again and decided to beat myself up on 3 different online dating sites(paid for match, free okcupid,pof). Easily sent out 50-60 msgs (pretty rural in my location) between the 3, responses to maybe 8-10 and only 1 ended up in a meeting which left me uninterested.Fine, whatever.


Well I briefly met someone whose family I've known of forever(we all work in the same field w/our families) but knew of her through a long grapevine prior to a couple wks ago. I know 2 of her brothers and older sister a smidge better. I FB her she accepted, not 100% but pretty sure she's not w/anyone.Call her T.


I sit here not knowing what to do now...My only means of contact is FB which im ok with. But despite thinking I am mentally/emotionally strong, all the stupid online dating rejection and a breakup last summer that drained me & brought me to my knees has left me gun shy and I dont know what I'd say in a email to initiate contact w/her..


Its foolish to contact pretending to make small talk. better to just make my intentions bit clearer up front.

My idea's? Nothing noone hasnt heard before:

Hey, blah blah ....

-So if someone was wanting to hang out with T/ interested in T where might they find you on X night?? or put a different way

- What's a favorite place of T's? When might you be there so we can bump into each other and hang out?

-What does T like to do/go on free time? Anything where someone can tag along?


Tips,pointers,criticism, bring it!! All I want to do is get on a Charlie Sheen "Winning" streak!!

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Option 1 or 2 is ok. NOT 3. Being upfront about things is good; no point in hiding your intentions. Maybe she's looking for a relationship too. You never know! Rejections mean nothing; there's someone for everyone, so there have to be a million people who are not for you as well. Just the way it works. Anyway, don't be scared. Look at it like this: you are no worse than anyone else, so think about how you'd respond to someone coming on to you the way you're coming on to her. If you are a nice guy, and you wouldn't reject someone based on what you said, then it'll be fine. If she's going to dis you then she's not worth it anyway. But mostly you probably just need to go out with someone to get some confidence. Good luck!

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