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She's jealous of my ex


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You're here, assumingly, for clarity on your situation.


I am telling you that based on your blog posts, you don't go all in when you're in a relationship. Your own words make it very apparent that while you seem to think you are giving your all, you have this on and off switch which is very easy for you to flick. It seems like you are always number 1. While it's good to put yourself first (after all, you can't love anyone if you don't love yourself), it seems like you're a little bit on the selfish side.


Your ex (Asia) thought that you gave more to the woman before her because you stayed so long with her and showed her signs of a commitment (buying a home) that you did not show her. You didn't move closer to be with Asia and I am SURE this hurt her immensely and only added to her insecurities. She was jealous and insecure with you because even though you weren't abusive to her per se, it was very apparent that you yourself are your number one priority and she came a distant second.


If I were her and I read your blog, I would know that the breakup is the right decision. Some people just aren't cut out to be in a relationship, and I'm not sure if you are capable of giving all of yourself at this point in time.


And by the way, a break and a breakup are two different things. If my ex visited a prostitute during a break, I'd be pretty upset too!

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