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need some suggestions

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okay well about 5 months ago i was surprised to find that i got an email from a girl who wanted to talk with me on msn.....i guess she read my profile and liked it....anywho we clicked instantly we talked for hours and hours about anything with alot of energy basily everyday and it has been going like that ever since.....but recently there seems to be less and less "energy" in our convos....she knows i like her and i know she likes me. and she is the first girl i have ever known that i can talk about anything with even mindless nonsense lol. we going to meet at a concert on aug 13 CANT WAIT =)....but my only real problems is that we are 7 hours apart =( and that in the past week or so our convos have seemed to lose their "energy"....we still talk everyday and send lots of emails and stuff but there just does not seem to be that speed and fluidness to our convos anymore......so baiscly i am just wondering whats going on.....is she scared about us meeting or getting to close witht he distance and all?


any comments or suggestions are NEEDED and welcomed lol

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You said you can talk to her about everything, so why not ask her? Find out whether she's nervous or excited about meeting you in person, or perhaps she's scared of getting too close, or maybe she's just been more occupied lately. The only way you can know for sure is by confronting her about it.

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lol yeah i know it seems so simple...and believe you me i have thought about just asking her ALOT.....but i just dont want to make things awkward between us before the 13....so my main thing i am fighting is to talk to her about "us" and "what ifs" before or after we meet in person...i have talked to her best friend and from what i have gathered from her she talks about me alot lol which is a good thing =) but she also said that distance was a big thing on her mind and it is on mine alot aswell =(...so basically i just dont want thngs to end because of distance....i dont want to look back on this and say what if or what could have been.

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