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Birth Control and early period

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I am a very concerned boyfriend trying to find some help.


Here it goes my girlfriend of 2yrs has been taking birth control for about a year or so and we have been having protected sex for the past 6mths, she has had no problems with her regualr period. Now recently about 3weeks ago a condem had broken and some sperm had leaked out before I realized it was broken, 2weeks after that she ended missing(late) a pill by 2hours but she still took it, but with her abnormal menstrual cycle she did get her period the next day. The following week after(today and yesterday) that she was suppose to have her "real" normal period she did not, could she be late because of already having a short period last week because of missing that pill? Should I worry about her being preganant, or does her being late now have to do with her having it early when she missed that one birth control pill the week before? Thanks a lot if you can get back to me today.


If anyone else can offer more help please email me at email removed

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Let me checks the facts:

She missed a pill 2 weeks after the condom broke? (Sperm don't live that long.) And then she started her period?

If she has had a period since your "accident" I think things should be fine. If you both are concerned, get a pregnancy test from the store to be sure. You may want to do that anyway, just to be certain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I gotta agree with Owlman here. If you came inside her and then two weeks later she had her period, you're fine. Sperm only live inside the uterus for about three days depending on the acidity of the females secretions (sounds like Aliens, huh?). Also, missing taking the pill by two HOURS isn't going to change her body chemistry THAT QUICKLY. And, since she's had one period already, and no other accidents have occurred, you should be fine. I'd go buy a test if you are THAT worried. Get a good one...like EPT or the ones that say "USED BY DOCTORS." Don't go to the 99cents store just to save a buck or two (like you obviously did with those cheap condoms)! That should calm you down.

When women are on the pill their cycles are usually pretty set...they come the same time every month...last the same amount of time, etc, etc. When they STOP taking the pill is when stuff starts to become unpredictable...like light vs heavy bleeding, long vs short cycles, etc. I saw it with my ex wife when she stopped taking the pill.

If I were you, I'd want to WATCH her take each and every pill!! She might be TRYING to get pregnant by you without your knowledge! Girls do that all the time.

Granted, that is all worse case scenario, but stuff I'd want to think about if I were you. YOu can never be too carefull. Everyone thinks it'll never happen to them until it does.

Hopefully these aren't new ideas for you!! But if they are...welcome to the nightmare of dating and sex!!

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Obviously, this is advice way after you needed it, but here goes anyway for future reference. I was on the pill and I must say, if she takes it at the SAME EXACT TIME everyday, she is religious about it. Me, I take it when I remember everyday. My boyfriend still wanted to use condoms just because they helped him last longer. But, not anticipating that it would bust, he came without knowing it had broken. I freaked, of course, but after I got my period like normal. So after that when they would break, we figured, what's the point. They broke every time. We have sex almost everyday and some days I forget to take the pill, so I take two the next day. I have never had a problem. He pulls out everytime though. My friend just informed me recently that she is on the pill, they don't use condoms, yet her boyfriend comes in her every time. I asked her how she could be so brave, and she said "I'm on the pill." But it's no guarantee. I am just saying that since she missed that pill it might have thrown off her cycle. Depending on her age, it takes almost a full year for your period to be exact days every month and all that. So if you get your period early, then you really shouldn't get it again too soon that month, say her regular time, because it came early. But don't quote me. Hope everything worked out. And don't listen to the crap about her screwing other guys and all that. If she wants you to use a condom also then she is just being extra cautious because she is not ready for a baby, and neither are you. So just be cautious. Trust me, you don't want to have a mistake. One of my guy friends, his daughter was born on his 18TH BIRTHDAY. And now the mother is trying to keep her from him. It's crazy. Too soon for children. Well enough of my rambling!

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